Chapter 6.5

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After saying goodbye to Annie, I start heading back, feeling pretty good about myself.

That went well.

It sort of reminded my of my days as a cadet.

Obviously, things are way different now but I couldn't help but to feel nostalgic when I was sparring with Annie.

It was almost enough to make me forget our current situation.

Anyway, it seems like sparring was a good idea.

It's hard to tell with Annie but I think she was enjoying herself.

Given some time, she may even begin to open herself up to me and then maybe, just maybe she might...

"Oi brat," comes a familiar voice out of nowhere, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look in the direction where the voice came from and there stands...

Captain Levi.

"So?" he asks, staring at me.

"So what?" I answer, knowing full well what he meant.

"Tch. So how did it go with the Titan bitch?" he asks, irritated.

Instinctively, I clench my teeth and ball my fists.

Don't call her that.

"It was okay, she seems to be a bit better now and..."

"I don't care about that," he says sharply, suddenly cutting me off.

"I'm asking if you got anything out of her," he states, his gaze never leaving me.

"It's too soon for that but given more time with her, I think..."

"Listen up Eren, I didn't give you permission for these visits so that you could become friends. Don't forget why you're down there, we need information," he says.

"I know that, I haven't forgotten."

I may have uttered those words to the captain but that's not MY endgame, I want Annie to join our side although that may be too optimistic.

"Oh? It seems to me that you've forgotten what that bitch did. She killed many of our comrades... Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther," he replies, his voice growing sharper.

I know that. That blood is on Annies hands as well as my own.

"Believe me... I remember."

"I just wanted to remind you that there's no way she can come back from that, there's no redemption. She's only alive as long as she's useful. Even if we can't get any intel out of her, if we get our hands on some more Titan serum, we will use it and she will be the one who is eaten for her power," he says coldly.

Hearing that freezes me to the spot.

I can't blame the captain for feeling that way.

I open my mouth but no words come out.

I have nothing to say.

"That's enough for now brat. I'm heading back and I suggest you do the same," he says.

He turns and leaves without looking back, leaving me here alone with my thoughts.

Even though I knew all of that, I'd been ignoring it and burying my head in the sand.

Annie is a murderer, no doubt about it.

But... I also believe she is a victim of circumstance.

What can I do? Can I save her?

With the captains words weighing heavy on my heart, I start heading back to the barracks.

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