Chapter 6

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I'm not done yet.

She may have put me on the ground about 5 times by now but I'm not giving up.

"Haven't you had enough yet?" she asks, staring down at me.

"Not by a long shot."

"Your call, Eren. I always did admire your tenacity," she says, chuckling abit to herself.

I stand up and start to ready myself again.

I'd forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of Annies powerful kicks but todays first sparring session was a painful reminder.

She's in a league of her own. Reiner was nothing compared to her.

"Are you ready?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" she asks, mockingly.

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I was you."

I close in with my fists raised, always wary of those legs of hers.

I take a few swings at her head that I know won't connect...

While she's blocking, I try to use her own technique against her by attempting to sweep out her legs from under her but she's too quick for me...

Dodging my kick, she lands a few of her own and I feel my leg begin to buckle...

Hobbling on my one good leg, I back off a little...

"Did you actually think that would work? I taught you that move," she says.

"It was worth a shot and I'm a lot better than last time, right?"

"I guess so... but it's not enough," she responds.

"Did the ice cold Annie Leonhardt just pay me a compliment?"

I couldn't wipe the grin off my face even if I wanted to.

"Enough talking, let's get this over with," she says, again with that deadpan expression.

This is probably a dumb idea but the only way I'm going to beat Annie is if I get myself in a position where I can use my strength.

I'm stronger than her so if I can get in close, I can overpower her.

With this in mind and ignoring the pain in my leg, I rush in a little to catch her off guard...


Before I know it, she's got me on the floor in a chokehold.

Yeah, that was a stupid idea.

"When will you learn? This is why they nicknamed you 'suicidal bastard' you know," she says, in-between breaths.

Well at least, I wore her out a little.

I grasp at her arms, trying to pry them away from neck but her grip is too tight.

"Ready to give up?" she whispers.

Suddenly, I am very aware of Annies hot breath in my ear.

I tap her arm a few times and she releases me.

Gasping for breath, I look up at her as she stands.

Unexpectedly, she offers me her hand.

Taking it, I feel something pass between us when our hands touch as she helps me up.


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