Chapter 12

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So bored.

Hungry too.

I wonder what time it is.

It must be getting pretty late and Eren still hasn't stopped by, maybe something has happened...

Huh? I can hear footsteps outside getting closer to my cell, that must be him.

As I stand up and brush myself down, the door opens.

"You're late Eren, what took you so long?"

I look at the person stood in the doorway and it's not Eren but...


I'm completely taken aback.

"Yo Annie, it's been awhile," says Jean, staring intensely at me.

I don't know what to say and look away.

"Ignoring me, eh? You're as cold as ever," he continues.

There's a sharp edge to his voice.

"What do you want?"

"Straight to the point, as I expected," says Jean coldly.

Although I asked what he wants, I can think of only one reason Jean would come down here to see me...

"Marco," he seethes.

Even though I kinda figured, hearing it still cuts me.

"So you know..."

"Yeah... I know that you murdered him you frosty bitch!" yells Jean.

It startles me a little when Jean yells.

"How could you!? How could you kill Marco like that!?" demands Jean.

"I didn't have a choice..."

I meant that to come out strong but it was more of a whimper.

"Cut the crap! No choice!? We always have a choice but you and those other two pieces of shit CHOSE to come here and murder innocent people," rages Jean.

"You don't understand"... is what I want to say but I have no right to argue back after everything I've done.

"So what now? Are you here for reven-"

"Did he cry?" asks Jean.


That caught me off guard.

"Did he plead for his life? Try and reason with you?" he continues.


I grasp at my throat as the memory of that day comes flooding back.

Marco pleading with me... asking me why...

It's hard to breathe.

"Come on Annie, tell me the final moments of my best friend," Jean angrily presses.

Jeans voice snaps me back to reality.

"Tell me," urges Jean, piercing me with his stare.

Before I have chance to answer, the cell door flings open and Eren stands there.

"Jean! That's enough," says Eren.

"Eren..." I murmur.

"Tch, I forgot to lock the door" Jean says to himself.

"Jean, what are you doing?" asks Eren.

"Get out of here Eren, this has nothing to do with you," replies Jean.

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