My Dream Man Part One

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Moving away from a childhood home was like finally stepping out onto the ledge that is life. It's like standing with your toes curled over the edge of a diving board and willing yourself to have the courage to jump. It took Dean three days to pack up all his possessions. Not because he had a lot per say, but because he was trying to stall that initial jump off the diving board.

Most of his boxes were of clothes or cassettes. There were some action figures from his youth and a couple comics and dirty magazines. It made him smile when he found a journal from when he was in high school. It wasn't really a diary, he didn't write 'dear diary' at the top of each page, but it did hold a lot of his thoughts as he was growing up and maturing. He didn't open it right away, simply stuffed it in one of his backpacks and kept on taping up boxes.

After he settled into his new apartment, one without his brother or parents, he sat down on his couch with a bottle of beer and cracked open the old composition book. There were some crude drawings, which cracked himself up, but there was also a lot of pretty deep shit that he wasn't quite aware had ever crossed his mind.

Hours and many beers later, and even more smiles and tears, he found himself rolling his eyes at a page near the end. In bright rainbow colors at the top read 'My Dream Man'.

"I was so gay back then and I fucking knew it." Dean cracked up to himself but pushed on to read the bulleted points.

"Number One: He likes to sing classic rock.

"Number Two: Jaw line for months.

"Number Three: Eyes that you could fall into.

"Number Four: He'd hold my hand in public and kiss my cheek when I catch him looking at me.

"Number Five: I'd always catch him looking at me.

"Number Six: Looks like a prince from a fairytale had a baby with a porn star.

"Number Seven: Has a job where he wears a suit 'cause that means he makes bank.

"Number Eight: Dimples.

"Number Nine: Puts up with all my shit.

"And Number Ten: Is the nicest most handsome man that God ever created."

Dean's eyes fell closed as he remembered writing this and wishing that he could be older and fall in love. And here he was, twenty two and single. There was no 'Dream Man' in his life, nor did it look like a distinct possibility. With a heavy breath he set the book down on his couch, still open to that page, and shuffled to bed. Maybe someday he'd find a guy who liked singing classic rock and had dimples. At that thought Dean laughed to himself until he drifted to sleep.


"Dean-O!" Gabe's voice first thing in the morning was not what Dean expected when he greeted reality. "Where's your bacon, man!?"

"Fuck." Grumbling under his breath, Dean managed to nudge himself until he flopped onto his back and starred up at the blank white ceiling. If Gabe was here that meant Sam had come over. Which meant the two of them were raiding his fridge. Dean cursed as he bolted up from his bed and jogged out into his kitchen.

The damage was already done. Sam was chomping away at Dean's leftover Chinese and Gabe was on his lap eating a bowl of Lasagna his mom had made him. Trying to keep the sour glare at bay, Dean shuffled over to his coffee pot and clicked on the button.

"What are you two mooches doin' here so goddamn early?" Dean tried to wipe the sleep from the skin of his face and around his eyes.

"Well-" Gabriel started around a mouthful of pasta, "-we are gonna go out on the town tonight. You wanna join?"

"Texting." Dean turned and glared down his brother's boyfriend. "It's called texting. You send a text to me and ask. And it's fucking seven o'clock in the morning this couldn't have waited until at least the early afternoon?"

Sam's eyes dropped guiltily. "Sorry. I just... I don't know... it's weird not having mom yell through the house for you to wake up every morning."

The hardened edges softened around the older brother just the slightest. Letting out a sigh, Dean turned and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Don't worry about it. I have work in a few hours anyway. I probably would've slept in and been late. But-uh-sure. I'll hang out with you two losers tonight."

"Splendid!" Gabriel jumped from Sam's lap and skipped into the living room with his food. "You got Netflix?"

"It's all I've got!" Dean shouted toward his living room before turning and leaning back against his counter to eye over his brother. "How's school?"

"It's okay." Sam's goofy nerdy smile broke through. "We just had a science project-"

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" Gabriel's voice boomed through the small apartment. "'MY DREAM MAN' BY DEAN WINCHESTER?!"

Dread dropped so hard on Dean's gut that the air was knocked from his lungs. With wide eyes he bolted toward the couch where he left that stupid journal. It was like his motions had suddenly became heavier than led and he couldn't run fast enough to get to Gabe before the man read through the short list.

Snatching the book from Gabe's hands Dean shut it and held it behind his back like maybe if it was out of sight it would be out of mind... that's how it worked, right?

"What?" Sam came barreling after Dean to look between the other men with burning curiosity. "What's happening?"

Gabriel was grabbing at his stomach with laughter howling from his lips. "Your-" wheeze, "brother has a list," deep breath, "a fucking wish list," tears streaming over crinkled dimples, "for a 'dream man'!"

Dean could feel his blood boil in his cheeks as he sent Gabriel the most hatred he could convey through only a stare. "Shut up, alright?" He snapped, feeling himself start to breathe deeper. "I was like fifteen when I wrote it."

"A prince had a baby with a porn star!" The shorter man collapsed onto the couch in another uncontrollable fit of laughter. "Priceless! Goddamn priceless!"

Sam couldn't hide the small smile threatening to show on his lips. "Jeez, Dean-"

"No. No. Nope." Dean held up both his hands and took a deep breath. "We are not doing this. That was private. And it's stupid and I was a kid and it's so silly-"

"Yeah right!" This time Gabe managed to calm his laughter enough to look Dean right in the eye. "We are totally fucking finding this guy for you."

"No." If Dean was scared before when Gabe simply read his list, he was not petrified to death of Gabe using this information against him.

"Oh, yes." Gabriel stood and grinned devilishly. "At the bar tonight."


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