My Dream Man Part Two

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"I actually fucking hate my life and would like to walk into traffic right now." Dean muttered under his breath almost like a prayer as he trailed behind Sammy and Gabe.

The two men in front of him were casually holding hands, which still made bittersweet feelings arise in Dean's mind. He loved that his little brother found someone who made him smile, who could hold his heart. On the other hand Dean hated the fact that that person was Gabriel. Even though the short irritating asshat was nice to Sammy, he used any opportunity he was given to fuck with Dean. Like now for instance.

"So." Gabe shot a smirk over his shoulder toward Dean. "I think I remember there was something about classic rock and dimples?"

"Shut your goddamn pie hole. I just want some beer."

Upon entering the bar of Gabe's choice, Dean was very displeased at the pop music remixes that were now pounding his ear drums. If it was up to him they would've just gotten a few six packs and stayed at home. Better yet, Dean would have a couple six packs to himself in his own home. He was gonna change the locks next chance he got.

Those thoughts were lost on him after a few beers. With a little alcohol in his system he couldn't help but laugh along with Sammy and Gabriel. It seemed almost nostalgic to be able to have this time with his family and not have to worry about rent or groceries or car insurance. He wishes idly, around the lip of his fifth beer, that these times were more frequent in his life.

"Alright. Fun time is over." Gabriel set down his beer before shifting on the bar stool to fish something out of his back pocket. His grin only widened maniacally as he held up a small piece of paper. "While you were showering for tonight, princess, I found your journal and copied down all your criteria."

"I will fucking-" Dean tried to manage his rage around the room full of people.

"Number one is classic rock. That's gonna be a hard one to find first. Let's narrow down the search before we get back to that." Gabriel hummed under his breath as he scanned the paper.

Dean looked over at Sammy and sighed in defeat, the alcohol swirling in his system causing him to start to loosen up. "If he actually gets me laid you have my blessing in marriage."

Sam cracked a smile with the shake of his head. "He's just playin' around. I doubt he-"

"Hey! You!" Gabriel was off his barstool before either Winchester could blink.

"Or he will." Sending Dean a guilty smile, Sam turned his attention toward his boyfriend.

"Fuck." With his newest beer drained, he slammed the bottle on the bar-top and swiveling on the stool to scan the bar for their shorter companion.

To their dismay, Gabriel was running from man to man flailing the paper like a madman. The sight actually made Dean laugh a little. It was comical to watch as Gabe ventured every corner of the joint tracking down any man that even slightly fit Dean's physical description of a perfect man.

Maybe minutes passed, or hours, as Dean and Sam idly chatted away the time while Gabriel was out socializing. As he ordered another round, Dean remembered back to the night he wrote the list. He can remember feeling this desperate need to picture a man who would make him happy as if not knowing this person would be the death of his teenage self. He can remember the way he almost scratched out the list because he knew he would never be good enough for the man he conjured up.

"Dean!" Gabriel's obnoxiously loud voice brought him back to the present.

Almost choking on his sip, Dean turned only to be met with piercing blue eyes. The less his eyes focused the more features he could make out, like a strong jaw line and dark ruffled hair and a thick neck that looked like it would lead to a firm torso. All at once Dean lost all humor at Gabe's game.

"This is Castiel. He-" A brief pause as Gabriel looked down at the list, "-loves to jam out to Kansas. Obviously he has a very sturdy jaw. Those eyes are literally oceans, like give me a freakin' break. That one I don't know about yet. Or that one. Definitely looks like Prince Charming fucked some dark haired pornstar. He is a lawyer and so he definitely wears suits on a daily basis. Yeah, I saw the dimples when he smiled earlier at me mentioning this juvenile list. I don't know if anyone could put up with your shit so I shouldn't be held accountable for that item. And I mean... the last one seems pretty goddamn possible."

Dean barely heard anything Gabriel was saying, his attention was fully on this man in front of him. His mind raced with the possibility of a date, of a morning waking up next to him, of making breakfast together, of picking out wallpapers-wait. Slow down.

"I'm Dean." Holding out his hand toward Castiel he wished to wasn't shaking or a little sweaty.

"The pleasure is all mine." Castiel graced him with a brilliant smile that showcased his adorable dimples. "Your friend is quite a comedian. He said you have a list of a Dream Man?"

"Yeah, well," heat erupted across his cheeks and neck as Dean allowed his eyes to fall, "I was a kid."

"I'm flattered he thinks I could be this 'Dream Man'. But I would like to take you on a date to prove to you that I could be that man for you." Castiel took a cautious step forward.

Gabriel, practically beaming with cockiness, stuffed the list in his pocket. Smacking his hands together a few times he grabbed Sammy's hand and led his boyfriend toward the dance floor. Sam was still reeling from the events happening as if telling himself repeatedly that this wasn't actually a lame Lifetime movie.

"I'd like that, Cas." Dean peered up only to find the other man staring at him. His heart pounded on just one beat and Dean knew that maybe he would always catch those blue eyes looking at him.

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