[[Chapter One: The Begining of the End]]

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Josh's POV:

I heard the clank of the ring falling into the floor, and dove for it. Rylie slammed the door and I heard the trunk slam shut. Cradling the ring in my hands, I felt tears burn my eyes as I stood up in rage. Why should I listen to him? I love her, and he can't stop me. I opened the door so hard that it nearly flew off of the hinges, and ran outside. Rylie started the engine, and sped off down the street, her car slowly disappearing.

I collapsed into the cold grass, the night air sharply making its way into my lungs as I cried for Rylie to come back. Sobs racked my body as I tucked my knees to my chest, and buried my head in my lap. After a while I heard the crunching of footsteps as they came closer to me. I grasped Rylie's ring in my hand, and froze as he spoke.

"Very well done Joshua. You've somehow managed to complete this step!" He praised sarcastically. I raised my head and locked eyes with him.

"Fuck you! What do you want from me?!" I screamed. He shook his head.

"Now Joshua, we've discussed this! You do as I say, I leave Rylie and your twins alone! Disobey me, and I'll kill you in front of them all. Now, next step, ditch all of your friends, make them hate you" he said. I slowly shook my head.

"Your shit isn't going to work! My friends know me too well, and will know something is up!" I said. He smirked.

"Ahh, yes, I do imagine that your buddy Tyler will be hard to convince, but not if I kill him. First him, then Jenna, then Mark. You will watch all of them die, and then Rylie and your children will watch you die. Then, they will meet the same fate" he laughed. My blood boiled with rage as I lunged at him, repeatedly punching him in any place that I could. My attack continued until four strong hands pulled me off of him, their arms restraining mine.

"Leave them the fuck alone!" I screamed. One of the men slammed his fist into my stomach, all of the air leaving my lungs. I groaned in pain as I collapsed, gasping for the air that I currently lacked. The man stood up, and wiped the blood from his lip before laughing.

"I see we have a fighter, eh boys?" He said. The men chuckled in agreement, grabbing under my arms to pull me up to my feet again. I stood my ground, and tried to show no expression or pain on my face.

"You have no fucking idea who you're messing with" I spat.

"Joshua William Dun, raised in central Ohio, drummer for Twenty One Pilots, formerly engaged to who was supposed to be Rylie Dun, soon to be father of twins, one boy and one girl.... Son, you have no idea just how much I know about you. Now, this has taken a lot of planning, so be a good little drummer, and try not to fuck it up, Kay?" He said. I clenched my jaw, and tried to lunge at him. The men holding onto me punched my stomach, and I was once again on the ground gasping for air. I saw one raise his foot, and kick my side. They both got a few kicks in before a voice called them off. At this point, my body was screaming in pain, and my vision was doubled. Bright red hair came into my line of vision.

"Now boys, don't bruise him up too bad" her voice said smoothly. She walked over to me, and bent down to my level. She raised her hand, and began to mess with my hair. I shoved her hand away.

" Don't fucking touch me" I said through gritted teeth. She frowned, stood up, and connected her foot to my side.

"Is that anyway to talk to your girlfriend, Joshy?" She said while sticking her lip out into a pout. My vision began to become spotty as I held my side.

"Fuck you" I spat. She smirked.

"I think he needs taught a lesson, what do ya think?" She said sweetly to the man.

"Well then, I agree completely. Take him with us" the man said. I felt a pinch in my neck, and my world became black.

3rd Person POV:

The guards picked up Josh's limp body, one carrying his feet, the other supporting his arms. They took him to the curb where the van was waiting. Debby opened the back doors, and the men tied Josh's arms and legs with rope. After he was fully bound, and gagged, the men threw him in the back of the van, and Debby slammed the doors shut. The man assured her that he would contact her when she was needed next. She nodded excitedly, and bid goodbye to the man. The guards drove Josh to HQ, an abandoned warehouse, and tied him up inside. Once he was taken care of, they went through his pockets, removing his phone, wallet, and a sharpie. Setting all of the objects on a side table, the men left the building, locking it from the outside, and assured their boss the boy would not be able to escape. Josh had no dreams that night, but had terrifying nightmares, a side effect of the drug that was injected into his neck. His cries and screames were muffled from his gag, and he found no peace in his sleep. Little did Josh know, right about now Rylie was being picked up by Pete from the side of the road. Little did the man know, Rylie would be practically untouchable for the next few months. Little did Rylie know, Josh was in serious trouble, and needed her help more than anything.


CHAPTER ONE COMPLETED!! I was going to wait and post this in a few hours, but given that I can't sleep, I figured why the hell not?! Anybody see this coming? Who's pissed? Who's sad? Who's happy? Who hates my plot twists? 😈 I will post another chapter by the end of the week, so please give me some feedback! Love you all!

Stay Alive,

|-/ Special Shoutout to DabigSp00n  for helping me out a bit... Thanks fren! |-/

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