[[Home again]]

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Rylie's POV:

Josh's warm arms held me close, and his steady heartbeat was all I could hear. We had come home from the hospital with Brixton and Quinn no less than 24 hours ago, and let me tell you, it's been hell. Josh and I take turns getting up for the crying babies, poopy diapers, and hourly bottle meals. He's been such a good dad through all of this, and I swear, the way he looks at our kids melts my heart. I'll admit, at first we did pay extra special attention to Quinn, but only because we had almost lost her forever. Her health is back to 100 percent, and we can finally breathe again.

A cry cut through the night's silence, and I groaned. Josh is asleep, and I hope it can stay that way. Jogging into the kid's room, I carefully open the door, and go to Brixton's crib. His bright eyes looked up at me, and I couldn't help but smile. I carefully put my hand behind his neck, and the other under his back, supporting him as I pulled him to my chest. A big baby grin took over his face, and he wrapped his hand around my finger. (Guys, I love babies so much... just in case you couldn't tell). I held him closer as I made my way down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. I strapped him into his bouncy seat thingy, and got a bottle down from the cabinet. After carefully making the bottle, and testing the temperature, I picked Brix back up, and headed into the living room. I sat down on the recliner, and let Brix start to eat. His little eyes began to grow sleepy as he finished his bottle. After burping him, I held him close as the rocking chair gently rocked back and forth.

Josh's POV:

I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains, and an empty bed. I rolled out of bed and onto the floor, before standing up, and walking into the nursery. Brixton's crib was empty. Ry must have him. I peaked into Quinn's crib, only to see her looking up at her mobile intently. A grin spread across her face as she looked over at me.

"Good morning, beautiful girl" I said, a smile on my face. I made sure to support her head and back before picking her up, and taking her to the changing table. I had no idea such a tiny thing could make that big of a mess. Gagging the entire time, I changed her diaper, and put a onesie on her. Hugging her close, we headed down the stairs. When I didn't find Rylie in the kitchen, I became curious, and peaked into the living room. Seeing her arm, I knew that I had found her, and walked over to the rocking chair. Brixton's eyes were closed as Rylie's arms supported him. Rylie's eyes were closed, and they both just looked at peace. I think people just look younger when they sleep. Like all of the daily stress of life leaves their facial features, and in return leaves behind nothing but relaxation. I felt my lips tug into a smile, and shifted Quinn so I could fish my phone from my pocket. After snapping a picture, I posted it to Instagram and Twitter before Brixton woke up. His soft whimpering began, causing me to skillfully pick him up, and carry both babies to the kitchen. I strapped them into their bouncy seats, and began to make their bottles, as well as some waffles for Rylie and myself. The kids stayed quiet as the waffles finished, and I grabbed their bottles, silently thanking them for allowing their mom to sleep. I sat on the floor between their seats, and placed the bottles in their mouths. Both ate their breakfast quietly, and I heard shifting in the living room.

"Hey Joshy" Rylie said after coming around the corner into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" I replied. She began to giggle at my current position.

"What's so funny?" I asked fake pouting.

"Nothing, it's just, you're pretty much a super dad... I mean you're feeding both of them at once... you could have just woken me up yknow?" She said before taking over holding Brixton's bottle.

"I know, but you looked so damn peaceful... and I made waffles" I said. She looked at me and grinned.

"I love you" she said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too" I replied before leaning in, and pressing my lips to hers. We both smiled into the kiss before pulling away. The babies finished their bottles, and Rylie and I burped them before putting them down for a nap.

"High Five" I said, offering my hand. She smacked it over enthusiastically.

"That's how you parent bitches!" She said. I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Yea babe..?" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever... waffles?" She asked.

"Waffles." I confirmed. I wrapped my right arm over her shoulders as we made our way downstairs into the kitchen. We spent the rest of that morning talking, eating waffles, and laughing at Tyler and Jenna's recent twitter war. One thing is for sure, I love this girl just as much, if not more than I did when we first met, and I can't wait to marry the heck outta her.

Hurt, tired, and stressed out. That's me all day everyday. BUT, here's another one, sorry it took me so damn long to update, here's been a lotta bad stuff happening lately. Let me know what you think! Love you all!

Stay Alive,

Hey guys, I was hoping one of you could help me out. I read this fanfic awhile back, but don't remember the title or author, and am hoping you can help me out. All I remember is the main character is Josh's sister, and the first chapter starts with them coming back from tour, and josh sending her the video of Tyler dancing because he had too much Red Bull

I know, not a whole lotta details, but if one of you could help, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you!

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