[[ I Will Not (part one)]]

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------------ Four Months Later--------

Rylie's POV:

I continued to brush my teeth, while attempting to put on and zip up my boots. Tonight was the first time Josh and I will have gone out for the night in a little over six months. Tyler and Jenna are having a party to celebrate and announce that Jenna is pregnant. I only know because Tyler let it slip to Josh, who then accidentally told me. It's hard keeping a secret in this group of ours, but at least we're all good actors and actresses. I put my toothbrush back in the holder, and checked my reflection one more time. Lately my face had begun to loose its normal glow and shine. However, that's not the only thing that worries me... I've been having terrible migraines and vivid nightmares. Oh well, shrugging it off, and deeming my ridiculous curls okay, I left josh and I's room, and headed down the stairs. There stood Josh, dressed up in a nice shirt and black jeans, holding our screaming twins. He was rocking back and forth, and trying to sing to them to calm their tears. Running down the steps, I placed a hand on his back.

"Here, give me Brix" I said. He handed me our now silent son, and looked relieved.

"I can't wait for tonight, thank you so much babe" he said before kissing me and heading into the kitchen. The doorbell rang, and I carefully swung it open. There stood Brendon and Sarah, our babysitters for the night. Now, Brendon isn't great with kids, but that's why Sarah is here.

"Hey guys" I said before stepping out of the way. They walked in, and immediately their eyes were on Brix.

"Thanks for doing this" I said.

"Oh no problem, we love kids... right Bren?" Sarah said.

"Oh... yea.... love 'em" he said obviously lying. I smirked.

"Okay so you won't mind holding him while I go help josh with the bottles then?" I said before handing him brix. A look of sheer terror overcame his face as he held Brixton away from his body. Brixton began to cry.

"Fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK he's crying! What do I do? Sarah take him." Brendon demanded. I chuckled before walking into the kitchen. There josh stood, cradling Quinn while feeding her a bottle. His red and black shirt complemented his black jeans and vans perfectly. The only thing out of the ordinary was his now green hair. He looked up at me and smiled.

"She's almost done, then I'm ready to goooooo" he said grinning in reference to Brendon's song. We heard Sarah break out  in giggles.

"OH MY GOD HE PUKED IN MY HAIR" we heard Brendon scream, followed by Sarah laughing incredibly hard. Josh and I looked at each other, trying to keep straight faces before we too burst into laughter.

"Are we sure he's capable?" Josh asked.

"That's why we have Sarah here" I said.

"Touché" he replied arching an eyebrow. Quinn finished her bottle, and we burped her before giving Sarah the rundown on baby care and their routine. Brendon came out of the bathroom with soaking wet hair, which caused us to laugh before leaving. Josh held my hand as we made our way to the car, and opened the door for me.

"Thanks Joshy" I said before kissing his cheek.

"Anything for my girl" he replied before running around to the drivers side. The car ride to the Joseph's was peaceful, Josh's hand resting on my thigh while rock music played in the background. We arrived a few minutes earlier than anticipated, and held hands up the walkway to the door. Josh knocked, in a rhythm that I recognized to be from their newest song, Heathens. The door swung open to revel the smiling faces of our closet friends.

"Jishy Poo!" Tyler screamed before tackling him into a hug. Jenna and I laughed before hugging as well.

"Come in, we have lots of food and fun stuff that you parent types forgot about" Tyler said before leading us inside. Jenna and I rolled our eyes before heading into the house. There were a ton of people crammed into this one tiny house. Tyler disappeared to who knows where, and josh looked at me nervously.

"What's the matter?" I asked him. He looked down at me and smiled softly.

"Nothing, there's just a lot of people here" he said. I took his shaking hand in mine.

"If it gets to be too much, just let me know, we don't have to stay the entire time" I said. He kissed my head.

"Thank you" he whispered. Tyler came back carrying two cups, and Josh's entire demeanor changed to fake happy.

"Some happy time drinks" Tyler said before handing us the alcohol.

"Thanks bro" Josh said. They began to talk about sports, and as much as I don't want to leave Josh, I couldn't bring myself to stay and listen. I headed into the kitchen in search for food. There were plates about bowls full of food everywhere. Thank god for Jenna. I began to feel dizzy when reaching for a plate, and immediately grabbed onto the counter for support. The plate fell onto the floor, and shattered into a million pieces. My temples began to throb as quick footsteps approached the kitchen.

"Oh shit, you okay?" A voice asked. I immediately put in my best poker face and looked up to see Pete.

"Oh my god, Pete! I missed ya" I said trying to avoid his question. He gave me a side hug. We both began to pick up the pieces of the plate.

"I missed you too, how's the fam?" He asked.

"We're all good, you'll have to stop by and meet the kids sometime" I said. He looked up and smirked.

"It's weird thinking of little Josh being engaged and having kids.... time flys" he said. I nodded. We eventually got the entire mess picked up, and Jenna entered the kitchen.

"Well, I'll see ya around! Nice catching up" he said before waving and leaving the kitchen. Jenna raised an eyebrow.

"I heard you broke one of my plates" she said.

"Umm yea, sorry about that" I said. She giggled.

"It's no problem, we were going to have to get new ones for the baby in a few months anyway" she said. A look of panic came across her face as I grinned.

"Oh my gosh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that!" She exclaimed. I laughed and hugged her.

"Congrats girly, you and Ty will make amazing parents!" I said. We both pulled away.

"I'm so excited, but Tyler is going absolutely crazy! He's the one who wanted to have this party" she said.

"He'll be an amazing dad" I said. Jenna grinned. Tyler and josh entered the kitchen, both laughing really hard. Josh stumbled towards me, and sloppily threw his arm around my shoulders. I could smell the alcohol present in his breath. I glared at Tyler.

"I left you two alone for ten minutes, if that! How did you get him this drunk?" I asked. Tyler simply shrugged.

"He needed to relax, so I gave him a few drinks. Jenna, honey, it's time" he said. She nodded, and we all headed into the living room. Josh leaned against me while Tyler began to talk.

"Friends and family, salutations! I bet you're all wondering why you're here, and have lots of questions. Well, Jenna and I have something to announce"He said. They both held hands and smiled.

"I'm pregnant" Jenna said. All of us cheered, causing the couple's cheeks to burn red.

"Uh... yea, that's all, you may resume whatever you were doing before" Tyler said awkwardly. The party continued to go, and Josh began to sober up a bit. We were laughing and dancing, and it was honestly the most fun we've had in awhile. Yea, I love my kids to death, but sometimes you just need a break. Everything was going great, until the ringing in my ears, and the migraine in my head became too much. I pressed my hands over my ears, and josh looked at me confused.

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked worried. The room began to spin.

"No, Josh I don't feel so good" I said.

"Okay okay, it'll be okay" he said before picking me up, and laying me down on the couch. He kissed my forehead, and Tyler came over with a worried expression.

"Dude, is she okay?" He asked. I couldn't hear anymore of their conversation, and slowly the darkness crept in before everything was black.



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