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Josh's POV:

It didn't take long for Tyler and Jenna to get to the hospital, and I still hadn't heard anything about Rylie or the twins. Tyler greeted me with a hug, and Jenna soon followed suit.

"So... what's going on?" Tyler asked.

"Well, for one thing, Rylie and I are engaged again" I said, causing all of us to smile, and Jenna to jump up and down excitedly.

"Congrats man" Tyler said.

"Thanks, so anyway, she was having really bad pains, and her water broke. I rushed her here, and they said something was wrong with the twins, and rushed her off to the OR.... nobody's told me anything yet" I said. Jenna and Tyler looked at each other and frowned.

"How long had it been?" Jenna asked. I scratched my neck.

"An hour" I replied. She nodded her head, and we all sat down. We passed the time talking about their vacation, and future plans for the band. We waited another two hours before an old man in surgical scrubs came into the waiting room.

"Dun?" He asked. Tyler, Jenna, and I all stood up.

"We're going to go into a private room if that's alright with you" he said. My stomach dropped, and I felt sick as I nodded my head. He led us to a simple room, just a couch and a table occupying the space.

"Right then, I have some good news, and unfortunately some tragic news" he said. I slowly nodded my head.

"There were some... complications with the birth. Your fiancé lost a lot of blood, but will be okay. She's still asleep in her room, and you can see her when we're done here. Your baby boy is healthy, and incredibly strong. 7.3 ounces and 19 inches long... came out kicking and screaming" he said. I felt tyler nudge me, and I let a small smile find its way to my lips.

"And the bad news?" I asked, my voice cracking. The old, tired man looked into my eyes, sorrow filling his expression.

"I'm sorry to say that the girl didn't make it... we don't know why this happens. I'm so sorry Mr. Dun" he said. I felt my throat close, and tears sting my eyes as I looked back down at my shoes. My precious little girl, gone from me before I even got to meet her. I didn't protect her. I felt tyler rub circles on my back as my tears fell from my eyes.

"C-can I see her?" I asked. He man nodded, and stood up. I began to stand up, but Tyler pulled me into a hug before I could.

"I'm so sorry josh" he said, his voice quivering. I hugged him back, and pulled away from him, following the doctor. He led me to a hallway with animals and cartoon characters painted on the walls, and eventually stopped in front of a room. He opened the door, and grabbed my shoulders.

"I am truly sorry Joshua, I'll tell you when your fiancé wakes up, and if you need anything, just ask for me" he said softly. I nodded, and slowly stepped into the room. I nearly collapsed as I approached the incubator. She was just so tiny. Her pink skin, and strands of brown hair were perfect. She was wrapped in a white blanket, and had a pink hat on her tiny head. I wiped away the tears and snot away with my sleeve before holding a her tiny hand in mine.

"I am so sorry sweet girl" I said. I carefully picked up the bundle of blankets, and held her close to my chest.

"I am so so sorry" I said, nuzzling my face into her tiny frame.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm so sorry" I kept repeating. Sniffs and sobs escaped my body as I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner. Time seemed to stand still, and I had no idea how long I had been sitting in that chair. All I knew was that I never wanted to let her go. I thought nothing of it when her body began to feel warmer, nor did I realize that I could hear tiny breaths escaping her lungs. White noise clouded my senses until I heard a sound. A tiny cry escaped her mouth, and I screamed. I felt adrenaline pump through my veins as I sprinted into the hallway, tear stained cheeks, and my now alive daughter in my arms.

"She's alive! Shes breathing!" I cried out. A nurse and the old man came rushing over to me, and checked her heartbeat and pulse.

"Mr. Dun, this almost never happens, but your daughter is alive. We need to take her and make sure she's okay" he said urgently. I kissed her soft forehead.

"I love you so much baby girl" I whispered before handing her over to the doctors. For the second time today I was left standing by myself as my family member was rushed away. I spun on my heel, and sprinted to the nurses station.

"Rylie Dun?" I asked urgently. She typed it into the computer, and looked back up at me.

"303, she actually just woke up, you can visit her if-" was all I heard before I sprinted to her room. When I arrived, Tyler held his face in his hands, and Jenna was holding onto Rylie as she sobbed. I carefully approached her hospital bed, and she clung to my shirt.

"She's gone josh, she's gone" she sobbed into my shirt. I rubbed her back, and gently pulled her away from me. Wiping her tears from her eyes, I kissed her.

"Rylie, she's okay" I said. Her teary eyes met mine, and all of them gave me confused looks.

"But the doctor just said-" Tyler started.

"I know what he said. I went up to see her, and while I was holding her, her heart started beating again" I said. There was a knock at the door, and a nurse, the old man, and two baby hospital beds entered the room.

"I have some pretty amazing news" he said with a grin.

"Both babies are perfectly healthy, but the girl will need to come back in a few weeks for further testing. Other than that, you all are good to go in a few days" he said.

"Thank you so much" Rylie said through tears as the babies were rolled closer to the bed. The nurse handed her our baby girl, and I took my son into my arms. His brown eyes were open and alert as I looked down at him. I took his little hand and wrapped is around my finger as his eyes grew sleepy.

Two in one day cuz why not? I cried too much writing this. Anyway, what do you guys think? Let me know. Love you all!
Stay Alive,

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