[[Putting my fingers to my head]]

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Rylie's POV:

As I held my daughter in my arms, I couldn't help but feel complete. I had almost lost my little angel fallen down. I gazed up at Josh and our son. He definitely had some of Josh's facial features, and our baby girl had some of mine. A nurse knocked quietly on the door before entering, papers in her hands.

"These are their birth certificates... have you chosen names?" She asked. I looked up at josh, who was still grinning ear to ear.

"Josh?" I asked, trying to get his attention.

"Yea?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Names?" I asked.

"If we could start with the girl, that'd be great" the nurse said happily. I looked down at the newborn in my arms.

"What about Quinn?" I asked Josh. He smiled at the name.

"Quinn Marie Dun?" Josh offered.

"It's perfect" I whispered.

"Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl" he said, a spark of utter joy in his eyes.

"That's a beautiful name" the nurse said, scribbling down Quinn's name.

"Alrighty, and for the boy?" She asked, shuffling around the papers. Josh and I looked into each other's eyes, and nodded.

"We should probably tell them" he said.

"Tyler, Jenna" I said, trying to get our friends' attention. They both looked up at Josh and I.

"We were thinking..." I started.

"...since you guys will be their godparents, we were hoping you would maybe help pick a name?" Josh finished. Both of their faces lit up.

"Wait seriously?!" Jenna asked.

"We're godparents?!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly. Josh and I laugh at their reactions.

"Of course you guys are, who else would it be?" I asked. Jenna jumped out of her seat and carefully hugged Josh and I, Tyler doing the same after her. Josh carefully placed our son into Tyler's arms, and Tyler sat down next to Jenna.

"What about Jacob?" Jenna asked. Tyler, Josh and I all made a face, clearly in disfavor of the name. Jenna huffed.

"Well I tried" she said before throwing her hands up. Tyler stayed quiet, as if he was deep in thought.

"Brixton?" He asked softly. Josh and I nodded in approval.

"Brixton Avery Dun" Jenna said. The nurse smiled again, and wrote down the name.

"Alright, I just need your guys' signatures, and I'll give you copies of their birth records!" She said while Josh and I scribbled in the dotted line. We each finished, and shared a kiss full of passion and joy.

"Congrats you two, and best of wishes to your new family!" The nurse said before walking out of the room.

"Can I hold her?" Josh asked me giving me his best puppy dog face.

"Of course Josh, she's yours too you know" I replied. He smiled again as I carefully lifted Quinn from my lap, supporting her head as I placed her in Josh's arms. He looked at her lovingly, placing a kiss on her forehead. I looked around the room at my beautiful family. Tyler and Jenna were making silly faces at Brixton, no doubt in love with their god son. Josh was cradling Quinn close, cooing in her ear as she drifted back off to sleep. It was nice to just take a breath. It's been one hell of a journey getting to where we are now, and it's almost crazy to think that it all started with a plane ride. For the first time in forever, I feel complete, like that empty space inside of me is complete. I felt a warm hand on mine, and looked up at Josh.

"Babe? You okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head.

"Never better" I said truthfully. He bent down and kissed my cheek.

"They're about to take the twins to the nursery to get a checkup" he said.

"Oh okay" I said. I looked over his shoulder at Jenna and Tyler still holding Brix.

"Hey Jenna, can I have my kid back please" I asked, earning a laugh from Josh and Tyler. She looked up at me.

"Oh yea, of course!" She said before handing him to me. I looked at his perfect tiny face, and the nurse came back into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to take Brixton and Quinn to the nursery for a checkup" she said. I kissed Brixton goodbye, and traded babies with Josh. I hugged Quinn close.

"I'll see ya later baby girl, I love you" I whispered, causing a tiny smile to appear on her face. Josh grinned at us before taking out his phone and asking Tyler to take a picture. Josh sat down next to me with Brix in his arms, and we smiled big for our first family picture. Josh immediately tweeted the picture, and the nurses took the twins.

"Hey, Jenna and I are gonna get some food, do you need anything?" Tyler asked holding Jenna's hand.

"Depends on where you're going" I said with  a smirk.

"Oh, y'know, Taco Bell" Jenna said giggling. I looked at Josh and he smirked too.

"T-A" I began.

"-C-O-B-E double L" he continued.

"The cashiers name is Omar Visquel" Jenna sand loudly.  Tyler turned red.

"Forget you guys" he said before leaving the room. The rest of us burst out laughing, and Jenna bid us goodbye. Josh laid back down by me, my head on his shoulder.

"Well hi" he said.

"Yo Jishua " I replied.

"You look tired" he said

"We both are, nap?" I suggested.

"Oh heck yes" he said. His arms pulled me closer to him, our breaths in sync as we both let sleep take us.

Just kind of a filler.... anyway.... they have names! Special shoutout to KaitlynTwentyOne for giving me amazing name suggestions! I love you guys, and this isn't the end of the story, but I would love to get you more involved with the writing process! If you have any suggestions or anything, just message me! Love you all!

Stay alive,

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