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Rylie's POV:

Josh and I held hands as Tyler and Pete told us the plan. We were going to get rid of these guys. No way I was going to continue to let my father's mistakes hurt my family.

"Everybody clear on the plan?" Tyler asked. We all nodded.

"Good. Be here tomorrow so we can all confirm with Kevin" he said. We all nodded again, and I turned to face Josh. I took in every detail of his face... Now including the black eye and cuts. His eyes locked with mine, and he grinned his cute grin before looking down at his feet.

"I know it's only been a few weeks since that night at the house, but I missed you so freaking much Rylie" he said kicking at the leaves that littered the forest floor. I smiled.

"I missed you too Josh.... Let's get these fuckers taken care of, and then maybe we can pick back up where we left off?" I said hopefully. He nodded, and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm not sure how I'm going to survive another night without you" he whined.

"Just one more night Joshy " I giggled.

"Ugh, I know" he said again.

"Just be careful tonight... His guys might watch you carefully tonight since you just got out of the hospital" I said.

"I will" he said before kissing my head, and releasing me from our hug. Pete and Tyler signaled that we needed to leave, and Josh carefully pressed his pink lips to mine. It's one if those moments that you want to stay in forever....the kind that make you feel safe, invincible even. We carefully pulled away from each other, and he gave my hand another squeeze before getting in the van with Tyler. Pete wrapped an arm over my shoulders as we watched them drive down the beaten path.

"Let's go kid, pretty soon you'll both be together again without any worries" he said calmly while walking me to the passenger door. Carefully climbing in, I put on my seatbelt, and we drive off back towards the house.

THE MAN'S (aka the dickface bad guy) POV:

"Matt, when josh meets us in the forest tomorrow, I want you to check the perimeter. If you find anybody, bring them to me...got it?" I asked.

"Yes sir"

"Dave, once he hands the bag over, you are to keep guns on him until I've counted it, and have confirmed its all there. If he tries anything, or if he doesn't meet his payment, you are to put a bullet through his skull, got it?"

"Yes sir" the newest recruit exclaimed.

"Good. Gentlemen, if this plan goes through, we will have our money, and one less problem to deal with. Go home and rest, you'll need it for tomorrow" I dismissed the men.


Sorry this chapter is so short.... this school year has almost officially killed any imagination that I have left. I'll be in a car tomorrow and Saturday, so I'll update then! Side note: I got a puppy! (See pic) We named him Boomer, but I call him Spooky.... anyway, love you guys!
Stay alive,

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