[[The Psychopath Sitting Next to You]]

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Rylie's POV:

I tugged at my sweater as I listened in on Pete's conversation. I know, I know, it's wrong, but I heard Josh's name, and couldn't help it.

"So you know now? Everything?" I heard Pete ask. Know what? There was a long pause.

"Look man, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner, he asked me to keep it from you and Ry to protect you..... How's he doing?" He added.

"Mmhm......yea.........so he'll be released by Friday? Okay........wait what? She's in on it too?" Although my brain begged me to stay, my heart demanded that we leave. I pulled myself away from the door, and went to my temporary room.It was too much to take in all at once.... Too many questions. What's happening to Josh? Is he in trouble?Rylie, stop it. He picked Debby. He left you. Get over it.

I heard Pete's footsteps on the stairs and a light knock on the door echoed to my ears. I opened the door as casually as I could, and walked back to my bed. He walked in and looked kind of angry.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" I asked. He shook his head at me.

"I know you were eavesdropping, and I know you have questions" he said bluntly. My face grew hot.

"Me? Eavesdropping? Who do you take me for Wentz?" I said. I've always been a pretty terrible liar.

"Rylie knock it off, you're a terrible liar. You have questions and that's okay. You can ask questions" he said.  I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Okay....... What's wrong with Josh?" I asked cautiously. Pete scratched the back of his head.

"He's in the hospital...... He got beat up pretty bad, but will be out soon" he said carefully choosing his words.

"Okay...... Who were you talking to?"


"Who's in on it, and what's 'it'?"

"Debby" I felt my blood boil at the mention of her name.

"What's she in on?" I asked. He breathed out heavily.

"It's hard to explain" he said. I felt my anger slowly raise.

"Peter, answer the question" I demanded. He rubbed his eyes.

"Fine, but you better sit down for this" he said.

-------------four days later --------
Josh's POV:

I bounced my knee against the bottom on the van that Tyler and I were currently in. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, but I was apparently going to "love it".

"Ya know you can stop that anyyyy time now" Tyler said, clearly annoyed. I huffed out a breath.

"Just tell me where we're going and I will" I sassed. He rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up and sit still, we're almost there" he said. I slumped back into my seat and huffed. I barely had time to get my things from my hospital room this morning before he was dragging me to the van. He had ignored all of my questions, and kept driving to the destination that was unknown to me. We sat in silence for a while before he pulled off of the road, and parked the car in a thick forest. He turned around in his seat to look at me.

"Okay Joshua, we're meeting Pete out here so we won't be seen, and so we can talk about a few err...... Complications." He said. I raised one of my eyebrows in confusion.

"Complications? What complications?" I demanded.

"Calm down. We'll talk with Pete in a few minutes. I sat there tense for a few minutes until Pete's car pulled up next to the van.

"Stay here." Tyler said. I nodded, and he got out of the car. I watched them talk for a few minutes before Ty nodded and headed towards me. The door slid open, and Ty looked at me seriously.

"Listen closely....It's important that you keep calm. Things didn't go like we thought, and Pete brought something for you" he said slowly. I nodded, and Tyler ushered for me to get out of the van. I squinted at the bright light that found its way to the forest floor, and looked up to see Pete. He slowly came up to me, and hugged me.

"Glad you're okay bro" he said before letting me go.

"Me too I guess.... What's Tyler talking about? Is she okay?" I asked eagerly. He smirked slyly.

"Why don't you ask her for yourself?" He asked. My eyes widened, and i swear my heart skipped a beat.

"S-she knows?" I asked. He nodded.

"I had to tell her man, she's terrifying when she's pissed off....she understands though" he said. I heard a twit snap, and Rylie emerged from the side of Pete's car.

"Josh!" She yelled before running over to me. She jumped into my arms causing me to nearly trip, but I gained my balance. I felt tears sting my eyes as I held her as close to me as humanly possible. The world stopped and for a second I forgot about everything. I felt sobs shake her frame as we held each other close. I slowly lowered her to her feet, and tried to calm her down. After a while her sobs stopped, and her breathing became normal.

"Josh?" She asked, her voice muffled from my tear-stained shirt.

"Yea Ry?" I asked.

"I missed you" she said.

"I missed you so freaking much Rylie" I said.

"And Josh?" She said.

"Yea Ry?" I asked. She looked up from my wet shirt with tears in her eyes.

"I love you" she said. I wiped away her tears and smiled.

"I love you too Ry" I said truthfully. She smiled, and I pulled her into the most passionate kiss that we've ever shared.

I got my Rylie back.


I couldn't stand them not being together..... The sass is strong in the guys. Love you all!

Love you all,

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