[[I Will Not Part Two]]

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(Thanks for voting, you guys decided this... don't kill me plz)

Rylie's POV:

Have you ever had that feeling in your chest, the one that makes you feel like like you're drowning? The one that leaves you breathless and trembling? What about the sinking feeling in your stomach when something bad happens? Funny how two words can cause all of those to happen at once for multiple people. Maybe it's the death of a loved one, seasonal depression, or seeing those around you that you love hurt deeply. For me, my family, and my friends, two words altered everything. An incomplete sentence simultaneously broke my best friends, and my fiancé. You see it on TV all of the time, but never imagine those words sealing your fate. It could never happen to you, but wait, it does. All of the sudden you're not so invincible. It never feels real. It's not real in my mind, or at least it wasn't until I found Josh by my hospital bed, sobbing uncontrollably, but trying to hide his tears. Those two words assured that my kids, my babies would grow up with just a father. I would never see them on their first day of school, I wouldn't be there for their teenage years, wouldn't see them marry, and would never meet my grandchildren. They assured that I would leave Josh, that Tyler would have to pick up his best friend's pieces in a few months, and that my best friend, Jenna, would have her babies without me there to occasionally babysit. Those  two words led to drained energy, testy relationships, and suicidal tendencies. Those two words also led to anxiety to run rapid behind the brown puppy dog eyes of the one that I love the most.

Those two life-changing words.

Fourteen letters.

Terminal Cancer.


Goddamn it you guys, I had a happy-go-lucky ending originally planned.... guess not anymore. This isn't the end, and sorry for the short update... prepare yourselves, from here on out, you'll need the tissues.

Happy holidays.

Stay Alive.

Love you all,


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