[[Chapter Two: Still Into You]]

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Rylie's POV:

I slowly opened my mascara-caked eyes  as the morning sun's rays filled the room, it becoming too bright to sleep any longer. Staring at the ceiling, I wrapped my arms around my baby bump, and felt the twins kick. In all of the numbness, I was relieved to feel something. There was a buzzing in my ears from the numbness, and my mind began to race again.

How did I get here? One day I'm on a plane with Tyler and Josh, and in the blink of an eye I was alone. Pete was the only person who liked me anymore. With the broken engagement, I was sure that I would loose Tyler and Jenna too. My only friends, pretending I don't exist. I can still remember those first few months with them. Josh and Tyler's fight, Josh and I watching movies and flirting, Jenna taking me shopping, Josh asking me to be his girlfriend, him saving me, and asking me to marry him. All the good memories were bittersweet, with the people that I love being ripped away from me. I know I still love Josh. He hurt me bad, but I love him anyway.

The more tragic things of those first few months crept into my brain. The beating from my mom that led me to run away, Tyler's dislike of me, Josh and I cutting, nearly freezing to death in my car, and the break up. My life is like a poorly-written fan fiction, and nothing makes sense anymore. The harsh reality of life is that I'm a single and homeless pregnant twenty-one year-old. Ugh.

A faint knock on the door caught my attention, and Pete entered the guest bedroom. He sat down on the foot of the bed, and stared at his shoes. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes, and we avoided each others gaze.  I felt his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head, and turned to face him.

"T-thanks for y'know, helping me out late night and taking me in and stuff" I said awkwardly. Pete grinned and looked away.

"No problem at all. I'm happy to help" he said while playing with his hands.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Numb" I answered truthfully. He looked at me with pity in his eyes, and pulled me into a hug.

"It'll get better" he whispered "I promise". He let me go, and said he was going to make breakfast for the two of us while I showered. I was grateful for Pete, without him I'd probably be at some cheap motel eating candy from a vending machine. Yet another person saved my ass when I couldn't do it by myself.

Pete's POV:


My phone began to ring as I drove away from the phone repair shop. Fishing it out of my pocket, I saw Josh's name, and accepted his call.

"What do you want Josh?"I asked bitterly.

"P-Pete, are you there?" He asked frantically.

"Yes I'm here, what's wrong?" I asked. He didn't respond.

"Josh? Hello?" I said. There was commotion coming from his end, and I pulled my car over.

"Josh" I yelled. The phone made more noises before I heard his voice.

"Pete I'm in trouble. They're talking about Rylie and her fathers money, I don't know what's going on. I only have a few minutes so please listen. There's three guys that came up to me at the bar and threatened to kill Rylie and the twins if I didn't give them what her father owed. Debby is in on it, those pictures were forced, I would never hurt Rylie. They want me to call off our engagement or I'm dead. I need you to pretend like you hate my guts, okay? I don't know what to do, so in case something happens, please take care of her, I know she trusts you" he rushed.

"I will Josh, just listen to them, and be careful" I said. There was more commotion on the other line.

"Hey! What do you think you're do-" a deep voice boomed before the line went dead. I slowly pried the phone from my ear, and contemplated calling the police. They might kill everyone if the police are involved.


I flipped there last pancake onto the stack, and took it over to the table. Josh's instructions had been clear, take care of Rylie, and defend her at all costs. I haven't spoken to him since that night, and am pretty fucking worried. I feel absolutely terrible about not being able to tell Rylie the truth, but I didn't want her or the twins to be stressed. Once I know the problem is taken care of, I'll let Josh explain the entire thing. He has five months to get this shit straightened out before he puts the twins in danger.

I heard footsteps as Rylie made her way into the kitchen. Her eyes were tear stained and bloodshot. She hadn't slept very well for obvious reasons. I pull a chair out for her, and gesture for her to sit. She gives me a small smile and mutters a thanks as she takes her seat.

"Seriously though, thank you so much Pete, you didn't have to do all of this" she said once I was seated.

"It's really no problem, anything for a friend" i said. She nodded her head, and loaded up her plate. Ever seen a pregnant woman eat? She ate at least seven pancakes before she was full. I'm pretty impressed.

"So what do you want to do today?" She asked. This took me by surprise, me figuring that she wouldn't be up for much after last night.

"Umm.... I don't know, what are you up for?" I asked.

"Movie?" She suggested. I nodded my head in approval.

"Only if it's the Nightmare Before Christmas" I said grinning. She agreed, and after the kitchen was cleaned, we watched movies all day until she fell asleep. At around three in the morning, I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Pete? It's Tyler, I'm taking Josh to the hospital, he's in pretty bad shape" he said panicked. I stood up and walked outside.

"What happened?" I demanded while shutting the door.

"I don't know, he just disappeared for the night, and I found him knocked unconscious in the middle of my driveway. He looks bad, and has cuts and bruises everywhere. Maybe he got jumped?" Tyler suggested. If only he knew. Of course Josh tried to protect his best friend from the truth.

"You're probably right, just keep me updated okay?" I said. He sighed shakily.

"Okay I will, did you hear about him and Rylie?" He asked.

"No, what happened?" I lied.

"Josh broke off their engagement to be with Debby. I'm pissed at him so he's lucky I like him enough to take him to the hospital" Tyler said bitterly.

"That's horrible! Keep me posted please" I said.

"Okay bye" he replied. I hit the end call button and ran my hands through my hair. Sitting in the porch, I rubbed my eyes with my hands.

"Josh, what'd you get yourself into buddy?" I said out load.

Current mood: fuck, school starts in a few days

Anyway, here's another update, and some backstory to the whole problem. Still hate Josh? Who am I kidding, it's impossible to hate him. I'll probably update again over the weekend so yea. Thanks for reading,voting, and commenting! Love you all!

Stay Alive,

// Green Day's new song though//

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