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Chapter Ten- The Truth
Word Count- 2,107
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Y/N woke up in Alexis's room with big, puffy, tired eyes. She had been crying the whole night and, unknown to her, so was her unofficial ex. Mindy and Jasmine left after a while to give Y/N and their friend some space. Y/N slowly looked around the room as memories of last night flooded her memory. Oh my god! I forgot! This is all Grell's fault! Ugh! I gotta tell Alexis. She thought. Fortunately, the skinny blonde just sat up rubbing her eyes as she awoke.

"Hey Alexis..." Y/N started. Alexis turned to her with worry in her eyes.

"Yeah? You okay?" The young female just nodded and turned her head to the window.

"I didn't give you all the details from last night. All I told you was that Chazz caught me cheating right?....although I swear I didn't!" She tried to redirect what she said. Alexis held both her hands up in defense.

"Woah calm down. I believe you! Just tell me. Who was it?" Y/N was silent for a moment deciding whether or not to tell her.

"I-it...was Mr.Sutcliff." She spike softly as her eyes began to water. After she said that, all she could hear was pure silence.

"...Lex? You ok-" but she got cut off as Alexis jumped off the bed and punched the wall.

"I'M GONNA GET THAT GUYS KNEECAPS! HOW DARE HE HURT MY FRIEND! DIE!!" Y/N ran to the raging Lex as she ripped open another pillow case. "HOLY MOTHER OF EREN JEAGER CALM THE HELL DOWN!" Alexis just chuckled nervously.

"Hehe sorry...and who's Eren Jeager?" Y/N froze. 

"...no one." She quickly replied and looked the other way. Alexis sighed.

"Damn secret otaku....anyways you didn't tell me where he assaulted you. What if it was on school grounds? We should check the video cameras!" Y/N shook her head.

"Alexis I don't think they'll have cameras in the girl bathroom...wait it was outside of the bathroom! They should have cameras there!" Alexis nodded.

The two finally arrived at the Chancellor's office. "Usually the Chancellor's gone during meetings and Crowler takes over. She shouldn't be awake right now. I know where the spare key is so lets go!" Alexis whispered, careful not to wake Crowler who was sleeping in a room across from the office. Y/N whispered and ok as Alexis dug up a key from a plant beside the large double doors.

"Is it just me or does that hiding spot for the key seem kind of cliche?" Y/N asked. Alexis nodded.

"It's not just you. Maybe Chancellor just needed a place to hide it and couldn't think of a good one." Alexis answered as she unlocked the door as quietly as possible. Y/N tiptoed into the office after Alexis. The room was empty and silent, except from the occasional beeping from something on the computer. Alexis quietly shut the doors behind them and locked it so they wouldn't be disturbed.

"C'mon!" Y/N whisper yelled as she went over to face the computer, the screen's light making her face seem pale.

"This was last night right?" The blonde asked her friend.

Y/N nodded and replied, "It was at about 11 PM I think." Alexis fumbled with the keys until she found a rewind button. The screen rewinded back to last night on every camera. Suddenly a flash of red was seen on Camera 8 -the camera with the bathrooms-.

"Right there!" Y/N said as Alexis zoomed in. It replayed the events from many hours ago. It showed right after Y/N entered the bathroom. Mr. Sutcliff stood a few feet away from the entrance.

"Grrr. That pervert." Alexis mumbled. About two minutes later, Y/N exited the bathroom as Grell grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. Alexis let out a gasp. She was about to stop the video when Y/N stopped her.

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