Chapter 6: A Date in Court

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Alex and Rachel had arrived back at the school. They made it back to the squad room where they were greeted by Jackson and Jamie. "You got anything from the victim," Jamie asked. "Just a first name, Billie," Alex said. "I need to talk to you," Alex said sternly, pointing at Jackson. They left the squad room. "You lied to me Jackson."
"What do you mean?"
"You said that you hadn't heard from Rachel. So did Rachel tell me that you picked her up from her house and dropped her off at Saint George's?"
"Ok, alright. I confess. I lied ok. But only because Rachel told me not to tell you. She's still pretty pissed about what happened."
"I know."
"If it means anything, I told Rachel about the case. I told her that you had gone to the hospital to interview the victim. She told me to drop her off there....knowing that you were there. That has to mean something right?" There was a long silence. "C'mom we got work to do," Alex said. Him and Jackson re-entered the squad room. "I'll start checking the roster for anyone named Billie who matches our victim," Alex said. "Oh yeah," Jamie said, "I've been meaning to tell you. You and Rachel are on your own for this. We received some reports of credit card thefts, dating back to the end of last year. Richard put on us the case, since we're so 'short staffed.'" "But the roster is what, like 4,000 people. We can't check all of them on our own," Alex complained. "Sorry," Jamie said, "but we got cases too. You'll figure it out."
"Jamie, Jackson," Richard said as he walked in the room. "We got a another complaint. Where are we on finding this guy?" "Well," Jackson said, "we flagged all the other stolen credit cards, but other than that, we pretty much got nothing." "Ok, keep working. Alex, and Rachel, good to see you by the way, what do you guys have on the bathroom victim?" "Just a name, Billie," Rachel said. "Well that could be a first or a middle name," said Richard. "Or that could not be his name altogether," said Alex. "Either way, we're checking the roster to see if anyone matches our victim." "Well that'll take an eternity. I'll help out. Plus Alex, you have court in about an hour. That case from last school year, with the Lunchtime Vandal." "Oh yeah, I forgot about him," Alex replied. "You're best to get going, Richard said. "I'll catch you guys later," Alex said as he left the squad room.
"What a busy first day huh," said Richard. "Yea, busy," said Rachel.

"Now, Mr. McCartney," said the Prosecutor. Alex had taken the stand in the court room. The jurors looked at him with blank faces. Alex looked at them, then at the prosecutor, then at the defendant and his lawyer on the left side of the courtroom. "Mr. McCartney, how did come across the defendant, Mr Adams?" "I was on shift during lunch, patrolling the halls, and I saw the subject in question with a bag on." "Why were you patrolling the halls, Mr. McCartney," asked the Prosecutor. "Well the subject in question usually struck during lunch. When we realized his pattern, my captain at the time assigned me and my team to patrol the halls during lunch time, so we could find this guy in the act." "When you saw Mr. Adams, you decided to take him in. Why?" "Well everyone else was either in the cafeteria or doing extracurricular activities. No one is suppose to be in the hall without a pass. I approached Mr Adams and asked him what he was doing and why he was in the halls. He wouldn't answer the question, and he had no pass, so I took him in." "What did you do after we took him in, Mr McCartney?" "I searched his bag and found a bunch of spray paint cans. We then sent them over to the lab to check for residue. They found residue and confirmed that it matched the paint used all the other times before. We then arrested the defendant,    Mr. Adams, for vandalism." "Thank you Mr. McCartney, no further questions." The prosecutor went back to her desk and sat down. "Your witness, Mr Everett," said the Judge. Mr. Everett approached the stand. "Mr. McCartney, you claim that you saw my client in the halls without permission, is that correct?" "Yes," replied Alex. "You also said you and your unit were patrolling the halls, is that correct?" "Yes." "How many members were on your team during the time Mr. McCartney?" "Five, minus my Captain at the time." "So in other words, during the time you apprehended my client, there were five other people in the hall, including you. All together there were six people, in the halls. Is that right Mr. McCartney?" "Yes." "So anyone from your unit could've been the one who was vandalizing the school , is that correct Mr. McCartney?" "It's a very slim possibility." "Yes or no, Mr. McCartney?" Alex stared at Mr. Everett with disgust, before reluctantly answering, "Yes, it's possible." "No further questions Your Honor." "Your witness Ms. Garrett," said the Judge. "Mr. McCartney, were the spray cans found in the defendant's backpack used to vandalize the school?" "Yes." "No further questions." "Redirect Your Honor," asked Mr Everett. "By all means," said the judge. "Mr McCartney, what else in particular happened that week?" "What do you mean?" "Something involving you and your captain?" There was a long pause. "My captain at the time, Logan Hardy said that I did not solve this case then I would be removed from the Safety Patrol." "So you were willing to do anything to get an arrest weren't you? You said that yourself." "I got the right guy." "Sure you did. No further questions."

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