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chapter 19: ☁blake☁

published: 8.2.16 

 I was at the beach by six in the morning. It was completely deserted, which was odd. Usually the beach was filled to the maximum with people. As I arrived to the empty ocean, a weird feeling washed over me. It wasn't necessarily bad. It was a bit like looking at a really old photo album, filled with people you had forgotten about.

The annual surfing tournament was today. I was ready to fulfill my lifelong dream of finally winning. Nico was still competing, but-no offense to my wonderful boyfriend-he hadn't been doing well as he could've been.

Today was also my last full day in Kendall. At least for the summer, though I wasn't sure I would be coming back next year.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kendall. But being in Kendall is like being trapped in a memory or meeting your childhood friend after a million years. You felt like you knew it, but it was obvious that you both changed and grew apart.

The waves lapped the shore lazily and the sun was just peeking over the horizon, winking at me.

I didn't want to start surfing just yet. It wasn't a low tide or a high tide. Somewhere right in the middle.

Standing in the water, it was warmer than I expected, but still cold enough to make goosebumps rise on my legs. The waves pushed and pulled, exchanging sand and bits of broken seashells.

The sun was right in my face and the water felt like ice, but everything felt so right. I was finally out of the closet, admitting to both myself and everybody I cared about that I liked guys. And it felt really good. Especially now that Nico and I were a thing, I was ready to yell 'I'm gay!' from the rooftops and dance around with Nico and just freaking kiss him.

I mean, I had already done so. Numerous times. But Nico threatened to not kiss me if I kept screaming about the fact that I liked him, so I had to stop.

Hours passed and more people trickled into the beach. I helped some of the local competitors and the host set up a stand for registration and all that fun stuff.

"Are you ready?" Parker asks, punching my shoulder. I wince at his form of greeting but still tried to nod.

I'm already shaking with excitement. "Hell yeah," I affirm, rolling my head around and wincing as I hear a few cracks. "But also really scared."

Maeryn snorts out a laugh. "You'll be fine, Blake. I know you're gonna win. I mean, have you seen your competition?"

"What competition?" I ask, cockily.

She rolls her eyes, wishes me luck, and ambles away with Parker to spread out a blanket right by the water to watch.

Nico was the next to greet me. He claps his hand on my shoulder and rubs it for a moment. "Ready to lose?" he casually fires.

"Are you?"

He guffaws and shifts his surfboard so that it was leaning on the ground, rather than being tucked under his shoulder. "Whatever, Blakey. I mean regardless, we still get to celebrate after."

I nod about to say something with the announcer's voice booms from a speaker. "All those who are competing, please make your way to the designated area, which is in front of the shack."

Nico and I stroll to the shack where everybody is already gathered in an excited crowd. I can practically feel the adrenaline from everyone.

Cora is volunteering at the event, so she's the one handing everybody their numbers. As she gets to me, she slaps the number on my chest and grins. "Good luck, baby brother," she grins, showing off her pearly whites.

I smooth out my wetsuit and ruffle her hair. "Thanks, Cor'," I smile back. She goes to Nico and hands him his sticker.

I'm one of the last ones up, which makes me even more nervous. Nico is up right now. I'm watching him skid the waves effortlessly. Everything's going so well that I'm a little scared that he's going to win the whole thing.

Until his foot slips.

Nico's eyes widen as he topples off on his board, crashing right into the water. His head bobs up and he hits his board in anger.

Falling off your board is a big no. I glance at the judges, who don't look too nice. They scribble down notes and excuse him.

I don't get to see him come back to shore, as I'm the next person up. Clutching my board close, I drop it when I'm deep enough to start paddling.

Butterflies dance in my stomach, and I recognize them as my usual pre-game jitters. I paddle deep into the ocean until everybody looks smaller than usual and I can't really make out anybody's faces. They're just blurs.

A few small waves passed through like tremors. Finally, a good one comes along and right as it hits, I pop up and waver for a moment.

The nagging voice in my head shouts out techniques and small tricks I've learned over the years. Luckily, I keep my balance and the wave gets bigger and faster. But I'm ready. It feels like I'm walking as I skid over it. I lean down and look inside the wave, which is the best part of surfing. You get to see the ocean in a different perspective that most people will never get to see with their own eyes.

The wave starts to die down as we near the shore. I stick the landing, hopping off my surfboard and almost slipping on the sand.

A few people applaud. I hear Maeryn and Cora screaming their heads off in the distance, which makes me smile.

Since I'm the last one, the judges all huddle together and compare their scores together.

"Oh, my god!" Cora slaps, hugging me. When she pulls back, I see the front of her shirt soaked. "You were amazing!"

Maeryn nods, brushing some hair out of her face. It's starting to get windy and dark clouds roll in. "It seriously was."

Luke, who I hadn't even see gives me a high-five. "I think in a few years we're all going to see you in the Olympics."

I let out an embarrassed laugh. I'm not used to all this praise, so it makes me a bit uncomfortable. "Thanks guys," I say, the corner of my mouth quirking up. But my good mood washes away with the tide when I see Nico looking seriously pissed.

Brushing past my friends, I go to Nico and sorta stand there. "You good?" I ask, unsure of myself. I've never had a real relationship. How do you comfort somebody when you're sort of the reason that they're upset?

Nico looks up at me and smile. "Seriously, Simmons?" he demands. His voice is harsh, but it sounds like he's trying not to laugh. Suddenly his whole face erupts in a giant grin. "Crap. I had this whole bit where I was going to pretend to be angry and-"

I interrupt him by smashing my lips against his. He instantly responds, melting into me and cupping my face with his hands. He tastes salty, which drives me off the wall.

When I pull away, Nico's the one who looks surprised. "Wow, well-"

"Aren't you sad that you lost?" I demand, a little bewildered at how calm he's acting.

But Nico just shrugs and the corner of his lips quirk up. "I don't really care about it. I mean, it's a dumb tournament to me."

I sling my hand around his shoulder and steer him towards the direction of the rest of my friends. 

a/n: last blake chapter :((( he's definitely my favorite to write about. 

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