Chapter 8

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Jackson Lowe's POV

I got a call the other day saying that Austin Moon was in a car crash with Kendall Knight. I found out what hospital and went to get him a present. I got him a Blue guitar with yellow stars on it and Yellow strings. When I got to the hospital I asked for his room and ran into someone. "Hey your Jackson Lowe!!!" He said an I looked at him "and your shiny money!!" I said. "Yep! Who are you here to see?" he asked "Austin Moon." "Oh,me too" we both walked to his room and everyone greeted us. I looked at Austin and he was lying there asleep with his chest bandaged up. "What happened?" shiny money looked at His mom as he said that. "his rib was cracked in 2 places so they had to do surgery,he's still asleep but he should wake up soon." we both nodded and I put his guitar down by the rest of his Many Many presents. and then I sat down and started talking with the rest of them.

Austin's POV

The last thing I remember was the doctor putting me to sleep and my mom kissing my head. I woke up and I could hear talking and laughing,but my head was pounding so it was echoing. I fluttered my eyes open and it was too bright so I closed them. My chest was killing me! "Austin?" that was ally. Everyone stopped talking. "Austin sweetie are you awake?" I fluttered my eyes open again. "Hey,baby bro" Amy said. i smiled "Jackson,Shiny Money?" I said.Why are they here? "we heard what happened and we came here. I got you a Present." Jackson Said. he showed me a really cool guitar "cool,thanks." I tried to sit up but my chest really hurt and I groaned an lay back down. "chest hurt?" Ally asked and I nodded.Then a doctor walked in and started to ask me questions about how I feel. Then I tried to sit up again but it really hurt. Then the doctor helped me sit up. Everyone was staring at me and my mom was giving me a sympathetic look. When I finally sat up the doctor gave me some Medicean to ease the pain and left. Ally sat next to me and kissed my cheek.I put my head on her shoulder "you OK?" she asked as she looked down at me. I Shook my head everyone else was talking but me and ally were having our own convo. "What's the matter?" "I feel dizzy and like I'm gonna throw up again." "Awww baby" and she kissed me again but this time on the lips. I lay down and she did next to me. I put my arm around her and she cuddled up to would be better at home in my bed not this stupid hospital bed. I moved my hand from around her neck to around her back/waist and then put me head on her belly.I cuddled up to her and she stroked my hair.That was the only time when I've been there I was happy. Jackson and Shiny Money came up to us and started to talk to us and then a nurse came in and said visiting time is over. "Can ally Stay tonight?" I asked with hopeful eyes. "you can't have your mom and ally" the nurse said "why not just ally?" I asked "Moms been here every night she needs her bed." The nurse started thinking and nodded "if it's ok with her father and then well set her up a bed OK?" I nodded and she smiled and left.Everyone said goodbye and left. I turned the TV On and cuddled up to ally again.We watched TV for two hours and the. I checked the clock 10:37 I started to doze of and fell asleep.

Ally's POV

Austin fell asleep on my stomach.He looked so peaceful, then I realised he's still shirtless with the bandage on his chest. I moved him off my lap and put his head on the pillow and went to bed in the other hospital bed. I was going to sleep as the doctor came In. "hi,is austin asleep?" he whispered. I nodded "ok I'll wait until morning" "wait,what is it?" "Oh just something about his medication and the side effects I'll explain in the morning." then he left and I went to sleep.the next morning I woke up and austin was still asleep.about a hour later austin woke up and said his chest was still hurting. We talked an then the doctor walked In. "Morning Kids. OK austin I want to talk about your medication." Austin Nodded and then he carried on "ok,well first you have to take then twice a day morning and night and there are a few side effects.""Like?" Austin asked I could tell he was worried so I went to sit next to him. "There's a list would you like me to get it?" he nodded and left. when he came back he handed austin a list and me a bottle of pills then left Again. I read through the list of side effects:

Side Effects:




Head aches

Stomach aches


Easy bruising

Side pains


Easy blood loss

"Wow that's a lot of side effects." I said he looked up and me and nodded.He looked really scared. I hugged him and said "you'll be ok?" "I'm not so sure anymore" he said that really upset me. I let go of him "Look Austin,You've got to believe in yourself, your mom does ,your dad does,your siblings do,kendall does,carlos and Logan and Camille and the Jennifer's do,Lucy and Jo do,Kendalls mom does,Katie does,James does,Your nephew and niece do,your aunties and uncles do your grandparents do,Jackon and shiny money do,Your fans do and most of all.....I do. you just need to.OK?" he nodded and hugged me. Then Mimi and Mike walked in and looked confused on why austin was so upset and I handed her the list of side effects.They read through it and nodded and walked over to us.I let go at Austin he looked up and smiled at his parents. "Hey sweetie." he smiled a bit and looked down.Mimi hugged him and I left the room to see BTR,Dez,trish,Camile,Jo,Lucy and the Jennifer's. "how is he?" Jo asked. "He just got some medication and it has a huge list of side effects." I said "i can't help but feel guilty." Kendall Said "dude it's not your fault it was that maniac drunk drivers fault" Dez said. Kendall smiled abit and then the doctor came over."Ally, There's another side effect of the medication,Mood Changes." He said. I nodded and he walked off into Austin's room.

Austin's POV

What if I'm not Ok?i was crying into my moms chest Again. Yes I know. then the doctor walked in and told me that Mood Swings are another side effect.i talked to my parents for about 3 hours after ally,trish,dez and the rest of them left when the doctor came in,i wasn't in the best mood so I didn't smile I just looked at him. "Good news Mr Moon,you can go home tonight if you like." My face lit up and I nodded,I heard my mom and dad laugh and then the doctor explained that I have to take the medication twice a day and about the side effects. Then my dad left to get me some clothes and I took my medication. when my dad got back I got dressed and then I vomited in a sink in the room. Great a side effect,i was really tired now and my chest was STILL hurting. My parents were outside the room and I walked out and smiled. I grabbed my pills and the list of side effects and went to sign out. I got in the car and sat in the back.i put my music on and because I was so tired I fell asleep.

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