Chapter 17

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Austin's POV

When I woke up my chest was killing me. I had a mask over my face and I was hooked up to an IV Drip,Heart Moniter,Lodes of other machines but for some reason Life Support. No one was in the room with me so I just closed my eyes again. About 5 minutes later I heard the door open and talking. "Mom,Is he gonna be OK?" It was obviously Amy and mom. "Of Course sweetie,Remember Austin's strong. Trust me He'll be fine." Then I heard a phone buzz. "It's your dad,Austin didn't tell anyone they moved the operation so his friends are wondering where he went. Oh,Jack has gone back to Colorado with the kids by the way." Amy Sighed. "When's he gonna wake up? I wanna see him Alive and Healthy!" "Amy,Be patient! The doctor said that his heart and lungs aren't functioning right so we have to be Patient." Amy picked up my hand a kissed it."You hungry aims?.....OK i'll go get some food." Then mom left.I'm guessing Amy nodded since she didn't answer. I heard Amy sigh. "I miss you Austin." she whispered. Time To 'Wake Up'. I squeezed her hands and opened my eyes abit. "Austin!" she smiled at me. I opened my eyes fully and smiled back. I took the mask off my face. "Hey Aims." I said, She smiled and a tear ran down her cheek. "Why are you cryin?" I asked seriously worried. "I'm just glad your OK." she said hugging me. Then mom walked in and smiled at me. "Austin! I'm glad your OK! Do you need anything?" she asked hugging me aswell. I shook my head "Nah I'm good." I said. About 10 minutes later the doctor walked in and helped me sit up because my chest was killing me. Literally. He took the mask off me. "Austin,You'll have to keep the heart monitor and Life support on for 3 days at the most because when your asleep your heart doesn't go that well OK?" I nodded and he left. I sighed and leaned back. "Austy. I know this is hard but you'll get over it." Amy said. I hugged her and she hugged me back. We talked for awhile then they left,they didn't want to but the nurse made them because visiting time was over. I just sat there for ages in silence. I picked up my phone and went on twitter. People were tweeting me about if I'm OK. So I tweeted 'OK Guys. Truth Time! I'm in Hospital Again. I got out of my heart operation 3 hours ago. Sorry I didn't tell you guys. Love you Austies 😊'

I felt really bad. I didn't tell anyone. Not even Dez! And worst of all instead of letting my friends know I posted it on twitter. I checked the time it was 23:46. I sighed and yawned. I lay down and went to sleep.

Mimi's POV

When we got home from the hospital we went straight to bed. The next morning I got ready and went straight to the hospital with Amy again.

When we went into his room and he was asleep. He looked like he was in pain. Amy sat down next to him and held his hand. He fluttered his eyes open and smiled. "Hey Guys." He said. "Hey Austy." Amy said and kissed his forehead. "Do you wanna see your friends?" I asked and he nodded "But not yet. I don't wanna see all of them yet. Just Dez." I rubbed his Arm. "OK honey." I picked up my phone and rang Dez. "Hello?" "Hey Dez It's Mimi." "Oh Hey Mimi!" "Austin Wants to see you." "REALLY! Awesome I'll tell the others!" "No Dez! He just wants to see you. He wants to see the others later." "Oh Ok I'll be there in a bit." He said and hung up. I walked back into the room and austin was messing with his chest and Amy was trying to grab his hand. "Austin! Don't mess!" I said and he put his hands in his lap. "Is Dez Coming?" he asked and I nodded his face lit up which made me laugh. The heart monitor was still beeping. "Ugh!!! Can't you put this thing on silent!" Amy said. Austin laughed. "How do you think I feel. I've gotta live with it for almost a week." She laughed. Austin started moving his neck around and rubbing it. "You OK?" "Yeah Aims,Just I'm thirsty." he said. "Hot Chocolate?" I asked and he nodded and smiled. Then I got up to get him one.

Austin's POV

I can't wait until Dez gets here. I'm really tired though. I kept waking up last night because my chest is hurting still. At one point the nurse had to put me to sleep because she said if I move around to much my stitches will burst. When mom hot back she gave me my Hot Chocolate and I lay down when I had finished. Mom left the room because my dad called her. Amy lay down next to me and I put my head on her stomach. "You Know! This Reminds me of when you were 9 in the hospital. Mom left and we sat there cuddled up to each other and then sadly you couldn't breathe. If that happens right now,I don't know what I would do!" She said. "It won't. Am I still your favourite brother?" I laughed and she stroked my hair. "Heck Yeah!" we both laughed and then the door opened. "Hey buddy!" Dez said walking in. "Hey Dez." I said. He sat next to me. "How you feelin'?" "Not that great,My chest is killin' me and I have to be hooked up to all these machines for almost a week!" He smiled. "Awh.I feel really sorry for you dude! But why didn't you tell us?" I sighed. "I didn't know how to put it." He smiled. "Well,EVERYONE was asking about you yesterday." I sighed again and he looked at his phone. "Oh AUS I better go." "Oh yeah school! Cya." we did our Handshake and then he left. I cuddled up to Amy again and then mom walked in. "Hey Kids! Your dad is coming in a bit" I nodded. "Amelia and Aaron would come but they have school so they can't." Amy smiled and said "Aus try and get some sleep. You look really tired." I nodded and tried but I couldn't all I could hear is the stupid heart monitor. I sighed.

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