Chapter 18

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Austin's POV

Why is Amelia even here?!? Shouldn't she be at school. "Hey honey. is your school closed?" My mom asked. "Yep. Ally said she wants to see him but I told her not to come." What! I wanna see ally!!!!!!!!! "Ok,but I think austin wants to see her." Thank you mom! "But I don't want him to get stressed and burst his stitches." Amelia said. Erm...Excuse me I won't get stressed with my girlfriend just because you stress out with your boyfriend! "Amelia! I'm sure austin won't get stressed he loves ally. Otherwise I wouldn't have let her in yesterday." I decided to wake up. I opened my eyes and smiled. "hey austin." Amelia said. "Hey Amelia. You ok?" she nodded and I sat up. "You alright honey?" Mom asked. "Yeah." Amelia walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. "I'm so sorry Austin!" "For what?" "Not being there for you." I sighed. "It's fine sis." she kissed my cheek and then her phone buzzed. She checked it and put it on the side. "You can go if you want." I said. she shook her head but I could see she was disappointed. "Amelia just go!" she smiled kissed my cheek and left. "That was nice of you honey." I shrugged. Me and Mom talked for awhile and then my doctor walked in. "OK austin,We are aloud to take you off all the machines and you can go home tomorrow. OK?" my face lit up and I nodded. " will have to take about a week or so off school." I nodded and he took the machines off and then left. "I'm so glad your coming home sweetie!!" mom said hugging me. "Me too!" I said. "It feels so good to move around without hurting myself." I laughed and so did my mom. When visiting time was over and u went in twitter. 'Hey Austies! I'm getting out of hospital tomorrow and I'm not attached to all those stupid machines! #VeryHappy 😊😊' I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I was really excited but my chest was still really hurting. I sat there for about 20 minutes then the door opened it was the doctor. "Austin,You can leave in about 2 hours but just rest until you go back to school next monday. OK?" I nodded and he left so I got ready. When I was ready I went on twitter and tweeted. 'Finally going home today! Never want to come back to a hospital until after I'm married!! 😊' I posted it and was scrolling through the tweets when the door opened. It was Aaron. "Hey baby bro! How you feelin'?" "Fine,Are you here to pick me up?" he nodded and then I got up and we left. In the car I felt really tired and I was starting to fall asleep when my phone rang. "Hello?" I sighed "Hey Austin it's Dr Grant." "Oh hey what's up?" "We've got some sleeping pills for you. Do you want me to drop them to your house or will you come get them?" "Well i'm in the car and almost at home now but I could ask my mom to drive me down later." then Aaron heard "I can drive you." "Really?" he nodded "Erm...Dr Grant I can come get them now." "Ok see you on abit!" then he hung up. We drove to the hospital and picked up my pills. "Take them before you go to bed and it will also ease the pain in your chest." Dr grant said I nodded and left. When we finally got home my mom hugged me and Amy did aswell. Everyone else said hi to me and asked me how I was feeling and if I needed anything. After awhile it got really annoying so I went upstairs to my room. I took a picture in the mirror and posted it on twitter.then I just went to bed even though it was still early.

Monday Austin's POV

Today I'm back at school. everyone was saying hi to me and me and ally were holding hands all day. At lunch we just stood by the lockers and talked until Elliot came over. "Oh look! Austin moon is back!" I rolled my eyes. "What Elliot!?" "I'm just here to get my girl." Obviously talking about ally. "She's not your girl!" "But she will be. When you die." "Even when I die she will never belong to you!!!" I was starting to get really angry. "Oh but she will!" "leave Elliot!" "Make me, Austin." I rolled my eyes and just turned around. "Oooh austin is scared!!!!" I turned again so I was facing him. I walked up to him and ally tries to drag me back. I shoved him against a locker. "Leave!Now!" "Like I'm scared of you Popstar!" he laughed and I just lost it and banged his head against the locker and he winced. "You have 5 seconds." he looked me in the eyes and then punched me right on my chest. I fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Everyone rushed over to me. Elliot looked confused. I put my hand on my chest. when I pulled it off it was covered in blood. "ELLIOT!!YOU BURST HIS STITCHES!!!!" ally shouted. I started to struggle to breath. "Go get a teacher!" Logan shouted rushing over to me. "Austin this will hurt but may save your life!" he said and put his hands on where it was bleeding. I screamed in pain. "Your hurting him!!" Ally shouted tears rubbing down her cheeks. The nurse rushed over with the head master and sat by me. "The ambulance is in it's way austin!" The nurse said. Then I heard footsteps. "AUSTIN!!" It was Amelia and Aaron. My eyes started to droop but I was told to keep them open. When the ambulance got there they put a mask over my face and pressure on my chest. That's when I knew I was gonna die!

Ally's POV

Austin's chest was pouring with blood and he was screaming in pain. When they took him into the ambulance austin was put to sleep. I went in with him and they bandaged up his chest. I was terrified. The ambulance ride went on for what seemed like forever. When we finally got to the hospital they took him straight into a room. When everyone got here they said we could go and see him. When I walked in he was awake but lying down. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "Hey austin." I said walking over to him. "Hey Alls" he said quietly. "Austin Please don't leave me!" "Alls I have too." "No austin don't say that." "I'm sorry." "No no no. Austin please." "Alls promise me one thing." "What?" "Promise me you'll never forget me." "I..I promise." I kissed his forehead."Alls...I love you." "I love you too!" "Forever and always." "Forever and a..always!" His eyes started to close. "No Austin Please!" I was in tears. "Forever and Always." he said then his eyes shut and there was a long beep. I burst into tears and then doctors rushed in. I walked out of the room in tears about 5 minutes later a doctor walked out. "I'm sorry,We couldn't save him." everyone burst into tears even all the boys. They said we could see him but I stayed I couldn't face him.

The car ride home was silent. We listened to the radio and Austin's song 'SuperHero' came on. Mike went to turn it off but Mimi stopped him. "I wanna hear his voice one last time." she said between tears. He left it on and everyone was crying. Mimi was sobbing and so was me Amy and Amelia. But Aaron had tears running down his face. I felt really bad. If I would of just stood up to Elliot this wouldn't have happened. Mike dropped me home and Dez called me on the night. He was with Trish. When it happened Trish and Dez were in the library and didn't know. "Hey Alls,Is austin with you?" I was in tears when he asked about austin. "No Dez...Erm A..Austin is erm...... he's erm.." "Ally? Where's austin?" "He's....He's......Dead." "What?" "Dead..Austin is Dead." I was sobbing "Alls poor connection Say again." "JUST CHECK THE NEWS!!!" I shouted and hung up. My mom rushed in and saw me sobbing. "Ally? What's wrong? What happened?" I didn't tell her. "He's gone mom!" "Who?" "A...austin! I love him so much and he's....Hes gone!" I was sobbing. My mom had a tear roll down her cheek. "Oh Ally!!!!" She ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Alls!!!" "me too mom." I was sobbing into her shoulder. "Don't go to school tomorrow OK?" I nodded and went to bed. That night I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning my twitter was full of Sorry's and Saying that they loved him as much as I did. Doubt it. I went downstairs and Mimi had told everyone about austin. She was in tears all night. It's all my fault!!

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