Chapter 15

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Austin's POV

I woke up the next day an mom was already awake and brushing her hair. "Morning honey." I smiled at her and sat up."The doctor said you can go when your ready." she said and I nodded and got ready. Once I was ready I left and got in the car. "Everyone is still at home,They're leaving next week." my mom said I nodded. My phone rang and it was Jimmy so I declined it. Then Kira called and I declined it. "Who's that?" my mom asked still looking at the road. "Just Jimmy and Kira. I really don't wanna talk to them right now." My mom laughed. "You should,it could be important." "If it was that important he wouldn't have fired me." she nodded and then she pulled into our drive. I got out the car and went inside. The men were all siting around eating snacks and when I walked in they all said hi to me. I said hi back and went into the kitchen and was wrapped in a huge hug from my grandma. I hugged her back. My mom gave me a bottle of water and I drank it while speaking to the ladies. Amy,Jack,Amelia and the kids were out so I was the youngest. About 20 minutes later I went up to my room and lay down. I stared at the ceiling thinking about the surgery. It's in 2 weeks so I'll go back to school for 3 days to catch up then I'm off for another week for the stupid operation. BTR and their friends are coming to our school until we all finally get to sing together. It won't happen though. I'm going to die,Its on my heart,I'm not going to live.Then Aaron walked in and

Brought me out of my thoughts. "Hey baby bro,You ok?" I shook my head. "You scared?" I nodded. He sat down next to me and rubbed my arm. "You'll be OK austin.Remember,Believe in yourself and you are a strong person. you'll be fine." I smiled and he smiled back. "Wanna go out? We can go and get something to eat or we can go to sonic boom..." my face lit up and I shot up. "Sonic Boom then?" I nodded really fast. He laughed and we got up an went to sonic boom. We were walking to the door but I stopped when I heard ally and Elliot arguing. Me an Aaron stood to the side and listened when we hid. "Look Ally,I want to be with you!" "I'm with austin so go away!" "No! I want you ally." "Too bad,i don't want you and I never will and neither will anyone else! Look at you!" "Ok that's harsh." "Look at you Elliot,Your annoying and really mean and instead of coming in and asking me on a date. You scare the heck out of my boyfriend which forces his brother,Kendall and Dez too almost kill you and your yelling at me to go out with you." Then Kendall Butted in "Leave Elliot!" "No,I'm not leaving until ally agrees to be with me!" "I Don't want to be with you!!" Ally shouted which made me smile. "But ally,Austin's going to die soon. You might Aswell get with me to avoid being heartbroken. forget about austin he's not going to live much longer." I Lost it and stormed in. "Yeah,I might not live much longer and I could die right now but I know that ally would rather be with anyone else but you. It might be me or Kendall or Dez but it will never EVER be you. So leave her,me and everyone in Miami alone an go back to Boston because NO-ONE wants you here!" he looked at me and opened his mouth to reply but just sighed and left. Everyone just stood there in shock but then ally ran up to me and hugged me. "Thank you." she whispered. "Anytime." then I picked her up and kissed her. Then we all went to the practice room and then Gustavo and Kelly walked in. "Hey Guys. Austin! your out." Kelly said and I nodded. "OK dogs,Griffin wants you all to stay here for another month and go to Austin's school. And when your ready you can do the song and then go home." they all nodded and they left. We all talked for another few hours when Aaron's phone rang "Hey mom.....Huh?......Yeah....Sonic Boom......Oh....OK....Yep.......Where?........ok.......see you in abit......We'll leave now.......Love you tooo..... Bye" He said I couldn't tell what mom was saying but I knew we had to leave. I kissed ally and left. The car ride was pretty much silent. When we pulled into the drive Aaron looked at me "What's up?" "What If Elliot's right?" he stared at me in shock "That Jerk is Not right austin." I looked him in the eye and he smiled and hugged me. "let's go Inside." he said and we got out the car. When we got in I went straight upstairs.

Aaron's POV

That jerk how could he say that about austin! I saw austin go upstairs when we got in and I went into the kitchen to mom who was cooking dinner. "Hey honey,Wheres austin?" My grandma asked as I walked in. "Elliot said something mean to him and now he's in a bad mood. He said that Elliot Is right that he's going to die." My mom looked at me and told my auntie to watch the food and ran upstairs.

Mimi's POV

When Aaron said that I had to talk to austin. I told my sister to watch the food and went upstairs. When I went into Austin's room he was upside down hanging off his bed. "What are you doing?" I asked and he looked at me and smiled. I walked over an sat on his bed and pulled him so he sat up. "What's the matter honey?" he looked down and I hugged him. "Your scared aren't you?" he nodded and I rubbed his back. "Look austin,You have the whole week off then 3 days at school and then from Thursday you get off and you'll be fine. You'll go to school catch up,play some music and have fun then come home and chill out. And BTR and friends are going to your school." he smiled and I tickled him. Hr laughed "Do you want any dinner?" he shook his head. I rubbed his back and said "come down stairs and play with Noah and Susie,They've missed you." he smiled and got up. I sorted out his hair and we walked downstairs. we got in the kitchen and The kids ran up to austin and he picked them up and hugged them. He put them down but Susie wanted him to pick her up again so he did and Noah ran into the living Room because he wanted to watch TV with the guys and austin took a seat with Susie on his lap. "Don't listen to Elliot austin he's stupid." My mom said and then Susie looked confused "What did Elliot say?" she asked and looked up at austin. we all looked at him just incase he lost it but he just smiled and said "He just said that erm...I can't sing" then everyone agreed "that is stupid Your the best." Susie said and hugged austin. Austin hugged her back and smiled. "I'm freezing." Austin said. "Its really hot,How are you freezing?" Aaron asked. Austin shrugged. Then Susie looked up at him and hugged him really tight. "Is that better uncle austin?" she said austin chuckled and hugged her. "Yep." Then he picked her up and walked upstairs to his room.

Austin's POV

Susie and I got up to my room and I lay down in my bed. Susie was still hugging me and I pulled the covers over us and she yawned and so did I. "Uncle Austin?" "Yeah?" "Are you better now? Because you seem better." I nodded and said "yep,all better." Then me and Susie went to sleep.

Amy's POV

Austin took Susie upstairs for quite a few hours. "Mom,wheres austin and Susie?" I asked and mom looked around and shrugged. "Let's go find them." she got up and we went upstairs into Austin's room. When we got in I saw two blonde heads poking out of Austin's covers. We walked over and pulled the covers off. We saw austin and Susie fast asleep,Mom smiled and we woke them up. I shook Susie and mom shook austin. they fluttered their eyes open and Susie cuddled up to austin. They both groaned and pulled the covers back on. we laughed and then just left them.

Austin's. POV

When me and Susie finally got up it was the next morning. I was woken by Susie shaking me "Uncle Austin I don't feel well." I put my hand on her forehead. "Ooh Babe your hot. Come on." I picked her up and carried her downstairs. Everyone was in the living room so we went into the kitchen. O grabbed the thermometer and put it in her mouth. Then I picked her up and sat down with her on my lap when Mom,Aaron,Dad,Jack,amy an Amelia came in talking and arguing about something stupid. When they came in Susie flinched,Covered her ears and nestled into my chest. "Hey Honey." my mom said. I gestured at her to be quiet and rubbed Susie's back. Amy walked over to me and the thermometer beeped. I took it out of Susie's mouth and whispered "Yep sweetie you got a fever." she hugged me and Amy kneeled down to her level. "Baby what's up?" She looked up at me "She's got a fever." "oh baby,we're not goin' anywhere!" she said. "I could look after her." "really?" I nodded and she thanked me and left. I spent the whole day looking after Susie and making her laugh.

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