Chapter 9

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Mimi's POV

When we got in the car austin refused to sit in the front so he got in the back and put his ear phones in. I was really glad he was coming home at last.Me and Mike were talking and I saw austin dozing off. "Medications kicking in." I said he looked at austin who was now asleep and laughed.when we got home austin was still asleep so I had to wake him up. I shook him and he fluttered his eyes open. "sweetie we're home." he smiled an nodded and got out of the car. Mike grabbed his medication and unlocked the door.

Austin's POV

Mom woke me up and I got out the car. I walked in and I was smothered by hug from the family and Susie and noah ran up to me and hugged me. I picked them up and hugged them. I went to sit down but banged my side on the wall and groaned In pain. "Be right back" I ran upstairs to my room and looked in the mirror at my side. There was A Huge bruise where I hit it. "I hit it 5 seconds ago how did this happen!?!" then my door knocked and I pulled my shirt down and opened the door but hit my foot on the way there so now that hurt. "yeah?" it was my auntie,monica. "Just seeing how your doing." and she touched my side an I winced. "Fine." I said and she touched my side again. I winced again. she looked confused and pulled up my short. "Oh my Gosh! AUSTIN!" "shhhh it's just a side effect." then she called my mom in and she had the same reaction. "Its fine,i swear" then I to one my shoes off and my toe was bleeding really badly. "Mooooommmm!!!!" She walked back in and saw my toe. "Oh Austin" she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my foot. "It's just a side effect sweetie don't worry" i nodded and she fixed up my foot. "Can I go see ally and the rest of them." I asked "Of course you can. But they don't know your out yet OK?" I nodded and left after putting shoes on and went to sonic boom.

When I got there ally was serving a costumer and the rest of them were talking In the corner. "Excuse me" I said after ally turned around to see me she squealed really loud. "Austin!!!!! your out!!" "Yep" "when??" "this afternoon." soon everyone came up to me and hugged me. "Have any side effects kicked in yet?" Jo asked. I nodded. "what ones?" Kendall looked worried "erm...Only Clumsiness,Heavy Bleeding,Easy Bruising and Fatigue." I said and smiled. "what's easy bruising?" Dez asked. "It's when you bruise really quickly." ally said. "so austin how bigs your bruise?" Carlos asked I looked at him weird and then just said "erm...Large but not huge.Its just on my side." "Can we see?" James asked. "erm...why?" "just wanna see" he said I laughed and went "sure" then lifted up my shirt to show my bruise "ohh how did you do that" Kendall asked and I put my shirt back on "walked into the corner of the wall." "That's it?!!" I nodded and kendall put his arm around me. we ended up talking in sonic boom for hours. "Austin we were wondering if we wanna have that movie night tomorrow?" James asked "sure if the rest of you wanna do it" I said then my phone buzzed It was my dad

'When do you want me to pick you up? we're going out for dinner'

'Erm now if you like I don't mind'


About 10 minutes later my mom showed up,i said bye to ally and everyone else and got in the car. I sat in the passenger seat and put my head in my hands. "You Ok sweetie?" she asked she sounded worried.I sat up and said "I think I'm gonna be sick" I leant back in my chair. "You don't have to come to dinner with us if you don't want to honey" "No it's fine I'll come" "you sure?" I nodded. when we got back I went up to my room and lay down. I felt really dizzy and then I felt like I was gonna be sick so I ran out of the room to the bathroom but the door was locked. I ran through the house to the backyard and just vomited there. I just sat down against the wall outside and My mom came out,"sweetie I don't think you should come to dinner tonight."she sat down next to me. I nodded. "I know you wanted to bit I don't want you getting sick.OK?" I nodded again and put my head in her shoulder. "Do you want me to stay with you?" "No,I'll be fine mom." I stood up but swayed for like 50 seconds and then got my balance back. I walked back up to my room and lay down again. after 5 minutes I fell asleep. When I woke up it was 7:40pm,i went downstairs expecting to be alone but Aaron was there "Morning sleepy head" I rolled my eyes and sat down. "why are you here and not at the dinner?" I asked he looked at me and smiled "your sick so I offered to stay instead of mom" "I'm fine on my own you know." He laughed and said "yeah but what if you faint,or collapse. No one would be here to call an ambulance or help you." I smiled and looked down. "wanna watch TV?" he asked I looked up and nodded. he turned it on and we watched it for a few hours until he checked the time an it was 22:49. "You better take your pills" I nodded and went to the kitchen and he followed. I grabbed some water and the pills and took them. I saw Aaron grab some pancake mix. "want some?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh my Gosh,Austin Moon doesn't want pancakes!!!" I rolled my eyes "No,i just don't feel well." he rubbed my back as I walked past him and I sat down on the couch. I grabbed my songbook that ally have me and wrote down some lyrics:

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