Chapter 16

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4 days later,at school

Ally's POV

Today was out first music lesson without austin. Our music teacher loves him and so does everyone in our class. We walked in and everyone stared at us an went silence. "Hey guys,Are these the new kids?" Mrs Parker asked gesturing to BTR and Their friends. I nodded and they introduced themselves. "Where's the Actual Musician?" She asked talking about austin. "He was in a car crash and ha to take a week off. Then he comes back until Wednesday then has a heart operation." She looked really upset "Awww that's terrible! Say get well soon to him for us." we nodded and went to sit down. When we sat down Austin's friends who he only talks to at school turned around to look at us. "When's austin coming back?" Colin said I sighed he's asked this every day since he found out. "Monday and we have Music then so you can talk to him." His face lit up. We only had Music once this week today. And it's Friday,But next week we have Music on ,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday. It was last period so everyone was tired. The lesson went on forever. When it was finally over Dez drove us to Austin's house and He has a key so if the door was Locked he could get in. We got there and it was locked but the TV was on,we could hear it. So Dez opened the door and we walked in. We saw Austin's head sticking out the top of a blanket and we saw his chest rising and falling. I moved the blanket and he was fast asleep. We all decided to leave so we didn't bother him.

Austin's POV

I woke up and I was still on the couch. Aaron was sitting on the Floor watching TV. He turned around and smiled at me "Morning Sleepy Head" I laughed. "You wanna go out?" I shook my head. My throat was killing me for some strange Reason. I stood up and walked up to my room. I really didn't want to talk to anyone. My phone kept ringing. So I decided to answer it but didn't look who it was. "Hello?" "Hey Austin!" it's Jimmy. I stayed silent "Austin? Austin? Austiiin?" he kept saying. I just hung up. I sighed and put my phone under Aaron's pillow. "No More Trouble." I said to myself. I also put it on silent so I won't hear it. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. "Austin Honey? Come Down Please." My mom shouted. I sighed and got up. Before I went down I looked in the mirror. I looked really pale. Nothing to worry about....Right? I ran downstairs and everyone was back. "I'm in the kitchen honey." I walked in and my mom was cooking pancakes. "Ally's coming over later. She said she wants to talk to you about something." I nodded and she rubbed my back "Do you want some pancakes?" I shook my head.

Later when ally came round she came up to my room. "Hey austin." she said opening my door. "Hey Alls what's up?" She sighed "Jimmy wants you back. Kira told him what happened and he feels really bad about what he did. Austin,He wants you back." I sighed and stood up. "No." I mumbled "What?" "No." I said a little bit louder. "What?Austin speak up." she said "NO! I DONT WANT TO GET SIGNED TO JIMMY!!HES JUST GOING TO FIRE ME AGAIN! I..I...I just....Ally leave." she tried to hug me but I stepped back. "Austin Please..." I moved away again. "Austin...Just...." "Ally Go" I mumbled. "What?" "GO! LEAVE! I DONT WANT YOU HERE!!" she had tears running down her face and just ran out. I had tears going down my face too. As soon as she left I just kicked the wall. I was heavily breathing and then I just realised I just made my girlfriend cry. I grabbed my phone from under Aaron's pillow and texted her : 'I'm so sorry Babe,I don't know what happened,I love you and I understand if you wanna ignore me or even break up with me.Hopefully you don't but I will always love you Ally. Forever and Always'

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone I got a text from ally and my face lit up. I read it. 'Austin I will always love you too but it's not working out. You will always be my best friend but not my boyfriend I'm sorry.'

My face dropped and tears started running down my cheeks. I through my phone on the floor and put my head in my pillow. Aaron saw it and stood up and sat next to me. "Aus what's up?" he said rubbing my back. I shook my head. "Austin?" I shook my head again. "Do you want Mom?" I nodded in my pillow. He got up and walked out. About 5 minutes later mom walked in. "Hey honey. What happened?" she walked over and sat next to me. I rolled over so I was facing her. "Have you been crying Honey?" I nodded. "What happened?" "She dumped me." she hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. "How?" she asked. "She....She Texted me saying....that...its...its not working out and it's better to be friends.....I....I Love Her Mom!" she rubbed my back. "I know Baby,I know" I hugged her back and she stood up. "Do you want some food?" I shook my head. She rubbed my back and left.

I decided to get ready so I grabbed some clothes and got dressed. Then I brushed my teeth and had a wash. I went back up to my room and picked up my phone and I had another Text.

Trish: Austin,Ally wants to talk to you! Please come to sonic boom at 12.

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I started thinking about Ally again,I can't believe she ended it with me. I started to tear up again. I wiped my eyes and sighed. Then I let a few fall and then the door knocked. I quickly wiped them away as the door opened. It was Amy. "Hey Austin,Mom told me about you and ally.I'm sorry" I looked down and she walked over and gave me a huge hug. I hugged her back and then a few tears ran down my cheeks again. She rubbed my back and we sat down on my bed. "It Just hurts so much." I said. "I know bro,But it will get better.I promise." Then Susie walked in. "Mommy What's wrong with Uncle Austin?" she asked. I let go of Amy and wiped my eyes. "He's just upset because....Erm.." Amy tried to explain so I jumped in. "Nothing,Susie don't worry." She jumped on my lap and hugged me. "Your Amazing!" Susie said still hugging me. "Yep,Yes you are!" Amy said rubbing my back. I smiled and then Susie got up. "Love You Uncle Austin!" she said walking out with Amy. "Love you too!" I shouted and lay down. Then My phone buzzed.

Trish:Austin,Ally didn't break up with you Elliot's got her phone and she NEEDS to speak to you. Please Come!

Me: Why does Elliot have her phone?

Trish: he took it but she needs 2 speak 2 u!

Me: Fine but only 4 5mins! I hve a doctors appointment! Why does she want 2 speak 2 me anyways?

Trish: I dunno. Just come at 12.

Me: k whatevs

I went downstairs and Amy was in the kitchen talking to mom so I went in to there with them. "Hey honey. You OK?" Mom asked as I walked in. "Yeah,Ally wants to 'Speak' to me about the break up and apparently Elliot has her phone so he Broke up with me for her." I sighed and mom walked over. "Do you want a ride? What time?" "12" Then my mom sighed. "Wait don't you have a doctors appointment?" Amy said. "Yup.I'm talking for 5 minutes and then walking to my doctors appointment." "Wait. I can give you a ride and Me and Aaron can go with you." Amy said. "Whatever Just as long as ally can prove she didn't break up with me." Amy smiled and then Aaron walked in. "Hey Baby Bro. You alright?" I nodded and Amy stood up. "Aaron me and you are going to the hospital with austin. OK?" Aaron nodded. "What time is it?" "Erm....11:50" "Oh I better go!" I said standing up. "I'll drive you." Amy said getting up. When we got to Sonic Boom Ally wasn't there so we just went to the doctor. "Hey Austin!" the doctor said. "We need to talk about your surgery. We have to move it to Monday Ok?" "W...What time?" "Erm....3:15. But leave school at 2:15 to get ready. OK?" I nodded and he gave me the information. This means on Monday I won't enjoy music because halfway through the second hour of it I leave for a heart operation! When I got home I really didn't want to talk so I went to bed.

Monday (Austin's POV)

I can't believe the weekends over already. I have spoke to ally and we're back together. No one knows that I have the surgery today and I'm really nervous. It was Already music at school and I was talking to Ally,Dez,Trish,Colin and the other guys. I was also playing guitar when the head walked in with the nurse. "Austin. It's time." they said. I nodded and got up. Everyone was staring at me. "Where you goin?" Ally Asked. "Just Wish me luck." I said and walked out.

When we got to the hospital they took me straight in and I got changed. "You ready honey?" My mom asked rubbing my arm. "No,I'm not going to live. Mom I don't wanna do it!" she gave me a sympathetic smile and kissed my forehead. Then the doctor came in and put me to sleep.

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