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          After the revolution of 2020, the world decided it was time for a complete change. The war of the races had claimed 3/4 of the entire earth population and the remaining 2 billion people were split into the Millennial Sector and the Solid Sector, Sectors One and Two, respectively. Only mixed races were allowed into the first Sector. In our face, no one race is present, each nationality can be seen. The government came to a conclusion that if there was no race then there would be no racism. 

       The revolution of 2020 began through a Civil War that erupted in the United States after multiple killings of people of color. The war climaxed when people of color began fighting back by building an army of 10 million men and women of different races. Governments were destroyed as multiple government officials were killed in outrage in every part of the world. Schools shut down, jobs ceased, whole boroughs burned. Hell on earth was an understatement. 

        Eventually a new government came into place and demanded order before anyone else died. The new government, a mixture of mulattoes at the time, who greatly suffered loss on both ends. The world population fell from 7.12 billion to 2.13 billion in the course of 20 years. The year 2040 went down in history as the beginning of the Millennium of Peace because the government in place would make sure that for the next 1000 years there would be no more war on earth. Anyone who posed a threat to this Millennium of cease fire would be executed immediately without any trial. The next 80 years in history were known most for the technological advancements, rebuilding of the new world, and a great uplifting of the economy where new jobs were made, new universities built, new hospitals, luxuries, statues and everything the earth had before, but a thousand times better. 

The new government in place wanted things to be perfect, but perfect is never good. I was taught that the system should never be in equilibrium, the world thrives on some kind of disorder, known entropy. Though there was complete unity and coexisting in Sector One, Sector Two was still in turmoil and struggled to conform.

Sector Two, the Solids were a Sector holding a few million people who were more than 70% one nationality. They were nicknamed Solids because they were not mixed and so held the color of solid white or solid black and the nationality of solid Asians, solid African Americans, solid Europeans, solid Japanese, solid Mexicans, the list of solids go on. Sector Two lived in poverty, there was little technological advancements, barely any jobs, not much food. The schools, I am told, were filled with teachers who did not want to be there and with students who hated their Sector. All the prisons were in Sector Two, the government did not want to taint Sector One. The Millennium was suppose to be clean, chrome and close to perfect at all times.  There was no worse fear than being told you were too white or too black to remain in Sector One, but this happened often. Many would go through DNA testing and if they proved to be 70% of any one nationality, they were deported.

There were still poor parts of the Millennium that were being built and renovated, but they made the poor parts of Sector Two look like dirt. Solids were not allowed into Sector One without strict permission or proof of birthing a Millennial and when they visited their children or grandchildren, they were required to walk around with their IDs hanging from their necks. It had to be visible at all times and they could not stay in Sector One for more than 6 months at once. 

People violating the 6 month policy were sent to prisons back in Sector Two and never allowed back into the Millennial.  

The government thinks that by creating this separation, we have ended racism, but to me it seems we have created a brand new form. Possibly, something even worse. 

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