~He's My Douche~

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No riddle this time. I just wanted to write a chapter for fun.

Always vote. Always comment. And always enjoy!
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My boyfriend,

Is a douchebag.

Why did I ever sign up to be his girlfriend?


He was hot. And I was being an idiot.

Lemme tell you a few things about him.

1). He's a gold digger. He asks money or steals it from me.

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"Y/N?" Kai asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can I borrow some money? I needa drink." He said while his hand was sticking out.

"..sure.." I said uncertainly.

"What's with the long face? I asked for money, not for an attitude like yours." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, sorry." I said glaring at him.

"Like I said. Money. Not for an apology. Not for your sad life. And not for you giving me attitude." He replied with a 'tsk.'

"Whatever." I handed him the money.

"That's a good girl." He patted my head while saying.

I slapped his hand away. He shrugged it off, put his hands in his pocket, and walked away.

"Douchebag." I whispered.

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We were watching The Maze Runner.

Casually sitting in the couch.

I just came home from my job, and so I put my purse down next to me, while Kai was making popcorn.

After awhile, he finished popping it.

He sat it on the coffee table, and sat next to me, opposite of my purse.

We were probably at the middle of the movie, until he yawned and stretched his arm around my shoulder.

I shuffled, cuddling closer to him, because I found it more romantic that way. But then I realized his arm was stretching even more.

And he reached inside of my purse, and took a 20$ bill.

"Asshole." I whispered, almost too loudly. And I slapped his hand.

"A sexy one." He rubbed his hand and smirked.

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2). He's a liar.

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It's April 1, or known as April's Fools Day!

Kaito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now