~My Cheesy Hubby~

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Lmao, as the title suggests, it's a cheesy one shot.

GG, I have a soft spot for these kinds of shots, but I do not have the magic touch to write these.

Guess what time it is?

You're right, it's always time for fewd. Nom.

Jk jk..Riddle time, my wonderful kohai's.

What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?

You know the rules. I hate explaining c:

Don't forget to comment and vote, you could also request in private. cx

Tbh, I'm better at making ANGST, then cheesy ones, but it's good to practice.

e.e Plus, the "Ex Becomes Hubby" chapter got more votes than the rest, so why not make another cheesy chapter for all you cheesy people.

Always enjoy. That's all I live for, just for my kohai's to enjoy my works.

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*Your POV*

My hubby may be the son of a criminal. But he's so adorable when he tries to use his "Cheesy Pick Up Lines."


Since it's my turn to cook dinner, I decided we should eat something balanced.

So I grabbed a few ingredients, such as cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, etc. To start on the vegetable stew. Of course the spices were needed, so I tried getting the pepper that was high on top of the shelf.

"Here you go, (Y/N-Chan)." He smiled and handed me the pepper.

"Arigato." I said and I went to get a knife. I started chopping the cucumbers.

"You know, if you were a vegetable, you would be a cute-cumber." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I elbowed him playfully. He pouted, and rubbed his arm. I laughed at his effort.


*Your POV; After Dinner*

"Hey (Y/N)?" He snaked his hands up my waist, and rested his chin on my right shoulder.

"Better not be some cheesy pick up line again. You've been using old lines throughout this past week." I replied, scrubbing the dishes one by one.

"Out of all the beautiful curves you have, your smile is my favorite." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Aw, I just love using them on you. It's funny." He said, kissing my cheek.

"You're so cheesy." I said, washing the soap off the dish.

"Hm.." He thought for awhile, and then smirked.

"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile." He said playfully.

I grabbed a handful of water and soaked him. He gasped dramatically with wide open eyes, and was ready to chase me. But then he kept his composure.

"Hey baby, can you call the lifeguard? Cus it seems that I'm drowning in your eyes."

"Jesus Christ, you're on a spree." I rolled my eyes and grabbed a towel for him.

I threw it at him, and he caught it perfectly. He wiped his face, and went upstairs to change his shirt.

(Author-chan: I'm literally laughing and cringing.)


We decided to watch a movie, since we were reallyyyyy bored. And it was my turn to choose, so I chose a super hero movie.

But Kai didn't want to.

"Forget about SpiderMan, SuperMan, and BatMan, when I could be your man." He winked at me.

I laughed, because this was his best one yet!

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We decided to watch "Click" featuring Adam Sandlers.

We laughed, cried, gasped in fright.


Almost at the end of the movie, we were cuddled up on the couch. His arm is around my shoulder, and my head is resting on his shoulder.

When the movie finished, and we were almost as ready to pass out, he finally said..


"Why does happiness start with an 'H', when mine starts with 'U'.."

I closed my eyes, and smiled.

And we both fell asleep.

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Gomen, I'm really lazy atm. I'm sorrie. ;c But the next one I'm working on, will take you on the feels trip >;3.

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