~A Death To Be Remembered~

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I'm pretty sure most of the author-chans are buzy. (._.)

If they aren't, then they have all the time in the fûcking world. '-'


I have to construct a mechanical arm that'll pick up a cup from a meter. :| Doesn't that sound fun?

No riddle, Cus we all hate them :D!

I'm probably wasting your time:


:p yeah yeah...anywho, enjoy!

- - -

*Kai's POV*

I can't eat.

I can't work, and lost my job.

I can't communicate with my friends.

I have shut myself out from society.

I'm too afraid to accept reality.

I prefer to live in my own little world..

where she's still alive.

- - -

"Come on Kai! You slowpoke! Jesus Christ, it'll take forever for you to come over here." Y/N yelled.

"Oh whatever." I rolled my eyes, as were getting ready for our date.

"Can't you at least be a little happy..? It is our 1-Year Anniversary.." She looked down, sad.

I hated seeing her sad, especially if it's my

I put my hand on top of her head.

"Jeez, let's go so we won't be late. Ya slowpoke." I smirked.

She looked up, and smiled.

Next thing we know, we were in the car..

Singing along to the radio station that was currently playing..

"Your singing is terrible, Y/N." I said bluntly.

"Wow, I bet you can't even do better." She playfully pushed me.

But that push became a shove, and I turned the wheel abruptly to the left. We kept turning left, til..

"KAI! LOOK! THERE'S A BUS!" Y/N shouted.

"SHIT." I screeched, and.


That's the last thing I remember.

I woke up in a hospital bed.

"What..Where's Y/N?" I asked a nearby Doctor.

"I'm sorry, we did all we could. Her injuries were far too great for us to save.

She's gone."

After I heard the word..


I couldn't breathe. My whole world shattered. She WAS my world. A part of me was lost that day..

I don't know what it was, but it must be my humanity.

I forgot how to interact with people. I didn't want to eat, yet I wasn't starving at all. I couldn't deal with work right now, and I lost it. Families and friends ask me what's wrong, and I put on a fake mask, saying "I'm fine."

No. I'm not fine. I'm a total stranger to the world, and to myself. It's all my fault. It's all my damn fault.

She wouldn't have died, if I didn't pay attention to the road.

I would gladly take my place in hell, for her well being still alive.

I would sacrifice everything, just to see her in my arms.

- - -

One night.. I cried myself to sleep.

And..I saw Y/N with little angel wings. She smiled at me, and I looked at her in awe.

She's right there. In front of me.

I ran up to her, to hug her, but once I tried to.. I went through her, as if she was a spirit.

"So it's been awhile, Kai." She smiled at me.

"I-I..I can't believe it's you.. I missed you.." I said, looking down.

"I-I'm..I'm sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry. It's my fault. It's all my fault your like this." I went on my knees and bowed my head. I was begging for forgiveness.

"Silly, I'm not mad at you..to be honest..I'm quite sad.." She smiled sadly.

"I cannot go to the afterlife, I'm stuck here on earth, watching you suffer slowly.." She said slowly.

"Why are you stuck here..?" I asked, as I lift up my head.


"Because your tears are too heavy on my wings, for me to fly. If you do not move on..I'm stuck here.."

Then I saw Y/N's ankles get attached to the ground, as my tears form a chain that wrap around. She tries desperately to fly, but it's holding her back.

I'm holding her back.

"You understand my situation? Let go of me Kai.. Move on without me.. Continue life and own it. Stay happy for me.. Now smile at me for the last time, okay?"

"I love you Y/N, with all my heart." I smiled, with tears forming at the edge of my eyes.

"I love you too." She was also about to cry, as my tears dry up, and the chains are dissolving, she's able to produce this warm light I'm engulfed in. She's soaring, like a true angel.

My angel.

I woke up, and smiled. I was engulfed by the sun's warmth. But on top of my desk, in front of a picture of me and Y/N.

She was clinging on to my back, and I was smiling like an idiot, trying to carry her.

There was a feather. Not just any feather, but a golden feather.

Guess dreams do come true, huh?

- - -

Oh lord this is terrible as fuck. It's shitty. :<

Tbh, I got my inspiration based on a true story. It was my step-dad's co-worker. And he lost his son due to an Unknown illness.

The father then had a dream about his son. His son couldn't go up, because all the guilt he was carrying was too heavy. So..yeah. :L

I might've exaggerated a bit, but eh? Night my kohai's. Yawn.


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