Disclaimer~ I do NOT own Pokémon in ANY WAY!!!
HaughtyShipping~ Did Not
Pearl sighed and carefully laid his book in front of him on the dining room table.
The countess raised an eyebrow angrily at him.
"Pearl, you know I've told you countless times not to read at the dining table." Platinum pointed out in a matter-of-fact manner.
Pearl groaned. "As you said YOUR MAJESTY, we're commoners. Meaning that we shouldn't have to act like you and your snobby friends."
Platinum scoffed. "Dia, you don't seem to mind my rules do you?"
Dia looked up and shook his head grinning. He received Platinum's sweet smile. Pearl rolled his eyes in disgust, attempting not to puke at his best friends disloyalty.
"Hey guys I'm going to do the dishes.' Diamond said, carrying the dishes away.
Pearl just nodded as Dia attempted to leave the room but tripped.
Platinum giggled.
"You just laughed didn't you." Pearl smirked knowingly.
"What? I did not!"
This continued as the two got closer, their noses almost touching and breath mingling.
Pearl closed the distance between the in less that a second. Platinum placed her hand on his neck and returned the kiss. After what seemed like a lifetime they broke apart.
She smirked, now it was her turn.
"You just kissed me didn't you?"
"... DID NOT!"
Am I, like, one of the only people who find HaughtyShipping absolutely adorable <3 ~ ? Hehe, call me crazy!