Teardrops (Part 2)

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Jack's POV:

Exactly a week ago, I got engaged to the most handsome, most amazing guy I know. The wedding is being planned, although we haven't decided on a date yet. Today, however, we're both going to see a therapist (based on my mother's recommendation). Our relationship is perfectly healthy, but Ma says it's best to be sure.

"You ready?" Mark asked as he exited the bathroom, where he'd been combing his hair.

"Yup. You?" I replied, kissing his cheek as he walked up to me.

"With you... always." He replied, smiling.


Upon arrival, we were both given psychological evaluations and told that we'd get the results after our other tests. Just before we'd finished the final couple's therapy session, Mark's phone rang.

"Hello?... Oh crap! Sorry, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"What was that about?"

"I forgot to pick up Sammy..."

Sammy is Mark's niece.

"Oh, from dance practice? You'd better hurry. That's about thirty minutes away, and you're already late." I said, trying not to nag him too much.

"I know... I'll see you at home, baby. Make sure you remember both our results!" he called as he ran out of the room.


After a few more minutes of making small talk with the therapist, the results came in.

As did four other therapists to deliver them.

"Mr. McLoughlin, I presume?" the only female of the group questioned.

"Y-yes." I stuttered, unsure of what was to come.

"You and your fiance are in excellent mental health. However, you, Mr. McLoughlin, have an impeccable capability. A sort of superpower, if you will."

After examining my face, full of uncertainty and fright, she continued.

"Don't worry, it's nothing that will cause you any sort of harm. You have been blessed with what are known as precognitive dreams." She said, as if I were supposed to know what she was talking about.

"Um.. I'm sorry, what does that mean?"

"It means that your dreams can predict the future. Yours, however, is slightly underdeveloped."

"Is that bad, or...?"

She laughed a bit before answering with a gentle smile.

"Not at all. It simply means that your dreams will be a bit less precise."

Seeing my confused expression, she elaborated.

"For instance, if you were to dream of someone proposing to you, it would happen, and it would be the same person, but it may not happen in the same setting or manner."

"So basically, my dreams can predict the future, but I'll only have two outta three details correct about it?"

"Basically, yes."

Then, I remembered my nightmare from a week ago.

"What if I were to have a dream inside of a dream?..."

"That dream would most likely be a hundred times more accurate to real life... Why do you ask?"

I told all five therapists about the dream of my soon-to-be-husband's death, including the dream inside of that dream about the accident.

"Where is he?"

"Picking up his niece from dance practice..." I replied.

Then I remembered one crucial detail that I 'd never thought twice about before that moment.

In the accident dream, Sammy was in the backseat.

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