Valentine's Day Special (2017)

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*Jack's POV*

Suit and tie? Check. Snazzy shoes? Check. Sexy glasses? Check. Hair gel? Check. Watch that Mark gave me on our anniversary? Check.

That settled that. I was as prepared as I'd ever been. After grabbing my wallet and car keys, I briskly walked to my car. I sent Mark a text, telling him that I'd left home.

On the way to Mark's house, I heard several love songs, singing along to every one of them. Before Mark, I always thought they were cheesy. However, as I drove, letting my mind wander to Mark's beautiful smile and laugh, I viewed the lyrics from a new perspective, a better perspective.

I pulled into Mark's driveway, and a pulled-back curtain told me that Mark was aware. I hoped he wasn't waiting long.

I climbed the steps onto his porch with minimal effort, knocking on his door. I was very excited to see Mark. He always looked good, and I was always ecstatic to be around him, but something about seeing him in a suit was just exhilarating.

Needless to say I was surprised when Mark answered the door in boxers and a robe.

"Is this how you're dressing for our Valentine's dinner? Or are we staying home now?" I smirked.

He wasn't smiling, which was odd. He chuckled at my statement, breaking out into a coughing fit not long afterwards.

"Aw, my poor baby is sick. C'mon, get inside. It's cold out here."

"I really don't think you want to come in here, Jack. You'll get sick, and I don't want you going through this." His voice was extra gravelly, cracking at the slightest incline or decline in pitch or volume.

"Well, if I get sick you can repay me."

Mark sighed in defeat and mumbled out a 'fine'. He stepped aside, permitting me to enter. I pressed a button on my key, turning my car off, as Mark closed the door. He immediately began shivering, I assumed from the cold breeze the door's closing caused.

"So what do you have?"

"The flu..."

"Aww. Are you taking medicine for it?"

He nodded, pointing to his coffee table. There sat medicine bottles and a bowl of what looked to be a very... unique... chicken soup.

Mark must've seen my bothered face because he piped up a bit.

"Yeah, I know. It's pretty bad. I didn't have any more Campbell's so I tried to follow Momiplier's recipe. Obviously it didn't work well..." He seemed to think for a minute before quickly adding, "It's not the recipe, of course! I just... Well, I suck at cooking."

I smiled sweetly. "Well, luckily for you, I'm a decent chef when I want to be."

Mark smiled back at me. "Would you please make me some chicken soup?"

"Of course. You stay here and pick a movie. I'll find my way around the kitchen."

After taking care of Mark's... creation... and a few pieces of trash, I wrapped
him in a blanket, kissing his forehead and making my way to the kitchen.


After Mark finished eating, we found ourselves on the couch watching TV. Mark seemed rather upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He raised his head up, looking surprised for only a moment before his demeanor changed back to it's previous manor.

"It's just that... I'm really sorry."

I scooted closer.

"For what?"

"For absolutely ruining Valentine's Day! We were supposed to have a nice dinner and then come home and have some fun... Now look at us. We're sitting here, bored out of our minds, and we can't even cuddle..."

"You didn't ruin Valentine's Day."

"I didn't...?"

"Not one bit. It's not your fault you're sick, and I think dinner was still pretty nice. As far as boredom goes, there's never a dull moment around you. And your well-being is my main priority, above any dinner reservation or holiday."

"That made me feel better... But we still can't cuddle."

"Who the hell says?! Point him out! I will END them!"

As I'd hoped, that brought a genuine smile to Mark's face.

"Well... no one did, really. I just don't think either of us want you get-"

"Getting sick? I don't care about getting sick. I'm love sick, and I wouldn't change that for anything. And no ordinary cold or flu could overpower that. Now, would ya slide over here already? I know you're still freezing; I can see you shaking, for Pete's sake."

Mark simply smiled and nodded, moving so that he was resting his head on my shoulder, hands on my chest. I rearranged the blanket as well as another one in reaching distance around the two of us, and we cuddled for the remainder of the night. Right before we fell asleep, I kissed Mark's forehead and whispered into his ear.

"Get well soon, Mark. Happy Valentine's Day."

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