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lily's pov:
I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. after putting on my workout clothes I went out to go on a morning jog. "hey lily wait up!!!" I turned around it was brody. "oh hey what's up?" I said while taking my ear plugs out. "going on a morning jog." he said while wiping his sweat with his shirt revealing his six pack. "okay do you want to join me?" I said. "okay." he smiled and we both jogged around the block.

"lets go get something to eat at starbucks." he suggested. "okay." I said while we walked to starbucks.

"we should meet at the lobby around six and I will take you to the restaurant." brody said while we walked back to the hotel. "okay so what should I wear?" I said. "something casual." he said

after we came back from the jog I went to the room but nobody was there. 'hey we went out to go buy some firecrackers to film some videos.' - corey. I went to the shower and changed into shorts and a shirt.

I wore a black halter top with black leggings with my vans. "where are you going?" capron said. "out." I said while grabbing a cardigan before leaving. "be before one. got it?" he said. "got it." I left the room and went to the lobby. I looked around to find brody but I couldn't.

I felt two pairs of hands wrap around my waist. "hey." the person said in a deep voice and I turned around. "geez brody don't scare me like that." I slapped his arm playfully. "ready?" he said while holding out his hand. "yep." I grabbed his hand and locked it.

we are at this restaurant that was near the beach. after we ate we want to go walk where the stores were at. "so lily I want to ask you something." he asked me nervously. "sure what's up?" I looked at him. "would you like to be my girlfriend?" "okay." I smiled and he kissed my lips. "lets go back to my room and we can watch a movie." he said. "okay and promise to not rape me." I laughed. "I promise I won't." he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

today was the last day in spain and we are leaving right now so everyone was packing up.

it has been two days since I haven't talked to cody maybe I should apologize to him for the way I acted.

                    skip plane ride
ding. I got a text from brody.

'turns out I will be moving to san diego!!!!'

'I can't wait!!! when are you moving?' I replied to him.
read 2:34 pm


'okay I got to go now.'
read 2:35

I went downstairs to go make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "lily what are you doing?" my mom said. "uhmm eating a sandwich." I said in a duh tone. "well after you are done eating put on a dress because we are going to have guests over for dinner." my mom said while making food. "okay." I put the plate in the sink.

cody, tanner, jake, zay, tanner's mom, and jake's mom were here having dinner with us. "lily can you pass the rolls please?" my dad said and I handed him the plate.

after dinner the boys and I went to the game room while the adults were drinking wine and talking in the kitchen.

"hey lily can I talk to you please?" cody said. "okay lets go outside." I said while getting up.

"look I am sorry for what I said to you back in spain. whatever I said I didn't mean it." he explained.

"no it's my fault I shouldn't have acted like that because we aren't even dating. I am also sorry for acting so rude to you and your girlfriend." I said while looking at him.

"are we good now?" he said. "yes." I smiled and gave him a hug.

the others left so I went to bed and watched a couple of tv shows on nextflix.

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