Chapter 1: The Contract

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I slowly began to make my way through the crowd to the airships. I kept my head down far enough to where I could still see and no on was able to see my face. I was nearly to the front when the doors began to close. I ran forward and slid inside the airship. A few people looked at me oddly but I just kept my eyes down and moved to the back of the ship. I was in my usual pitch black cloak along with my skull mask. Under my coat I had on a long sleeve shirt and gloves that covered my hands. I wore combat boots that reached to around my cafe. On my shirt, in little holders, were dozens of throwing knives. And on my hip is my snake blade. I sighed as the ship moved. My jobs are usually much faster, in and out then on the run again. I looked around the ship, making sure to hide my face, I didn't see my target. A girl named Blake Belladonna, previous member of the White Fang and love interest of my client. I work for anyone how pays me, of course this job is different, I have to take her alive. Alive, not exactly my forte. Finally the ship docked and I waited for everyone to clear off then moved behind them. I moved around and made sure to blend in. Luckily everyone had their own style and so I didn't stick out too much. I wondered around until I finally spotted my target. She was sitting on a bench reading. I moved slowly and silently until I stood behind her. I slowly drew my snake blade and went to hit her with the hilt. But stopped as I saw an explosion and jumped into a nearby tree. I looked over and instantly saw a familiar face. Weiss Schnee, heiress of Schnee Dust. Let's just say I may or may not have stolen a large shipment of dust for someone, so I'm sure she'll recognize me or at least be suspicious. I'll have to wait until she's alone again. Suddenly she just turned and walked away. Well... That didn't take long. I jumped down and started following her, slightly increasing my speed to catch up with her. Eventually I got pretty close to her and was about grab her.

Blake: "You've been following me for quite a while."

I sighed.

Me: "Guess you can't really get the drop on a cat faunas, huh?"

I said in my distorted voice, with the help of my voice modifier. She whipped her head around and looked at me. I kept my head lowered so she couldn't see my face.

Blake: "How did you-"

Me: "A certain over obsessive boyfriend hired me. He seems to miss you."

She pulled her sword out and it formed a pistol.

Blake: "Get away from me! I'm not going back!"

Me: "Make my job easier will you? I don't have a lot of time."

She fired her pistol. I sighed and pulled out my snake blade and slashed the bullet.

Me: "Come on Blake, what's so wrong with him? I mean, he's paying me a pretty penny to collect you."

Blake: "Do you even understand what he's done!? He's killed so many people."

Me: "Yeah? So have I. Of course mine was because of the price on their head, not for some race dominant philosophy."

I took a step forward.

Me: "Now come on, be a good kitty."

She charged at me and swung her sword. I blocked with my sword and went for a slash but it phased right through her. I spun around just in time to block the attack she was swinging. I looked up and met her eyes. She jumped back and looked at me in shock.

Blake: "You're.... The Reaper."

Me: "Aw, you've heard of me. I'm touched."

Blake: "You're the most wanted man in Remnant... The assassin with no face, no real voice, and no soul."

Me: "Aw stop, you're gonna make me blush."

I ran at her and began a flurry of attacks that aimed mostly for her arms and legs. She kept blocking and occasionally using her semblance.

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