Chapter 6: Normal Routine

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[Time Skip, One Week]

My team and I sat in the cafeteria, chattering away. This had become routine. Each day at lunch we chat about the teachers we hate, the metric shit ton of homework they give out, and more importantly, what the hell Oobleck has in that coffee thermos.

Me: "I say it's some sort of drug."

Scarlet: "He's a teacher, it's not drugs. Maybe he's just sensitive to coffee?"

Alex: "There's no way-"

???: "Owww...."

We stopped and looked around. We noticed a girl with long brown bunny ears being teased by Team CRDL. Luckily we had never had a run in with them.

Jill: "We should he-"

I quickly stood up and made my way over to him. Cardin was pulling on her ears, I tapped him on the shoulder.

Me: "Excuse me."

He turned around.

Cardin: "Wha-"

Before he could never finish I punched him in the face making him fly back into his teammates.

Me: "Don't you know its un-gentlemanly to touch a lady without her permission?"

He stood up straight and pushed me.

Cardin: "Why would you protect a freak like her?"

Me: "Cardin. I'll give you five seconds. Five seconds to apologize to the lady, before I rip your vocal cords out and wear them like a bow tie, understand?"

He raised his fist and went to hit me. I ducked out of the way.

Me: "One."

He tried to hit me again.

Me: "Two."

One of his teammates joined in.

Me: "Three.... Four..."

Cardin threw a punch straight at me. I caught his hand and gripped it tightly.

Me: "Five."

I twisted his wrist the opposite direction gaining a "snap" and a few gasps from his teammates. I then placed my palm on his elbow, while still holding his wrist, and pushed. His arm then snapped in the opposite direction. He fell to the ground in pain holding his now useless arm. I slowly looked over to his teammates, letting smoke rise from my body. They stared in fear. I then kneeled down to Cardin's level and spoke in a stern voice.

Me: "Now. Get up, apologize to her, and get the fuck out of here before I rip your head off."

The next thing he did, was NOT, a good idea. He turned his head and spit in my face. Smoke began to pour from my body, to the point you could barely even see me. I rose to my feet, wiped my face off. Then looked back at my team.

Me: "Go get a teacher."

[Alex's POV]

I got up and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran down the hall looking in each of the classrooms but couldn't find anyone. Suddenly I ran into Mrs. Goodwitch. I panted trying to catch my breath.

Me: "Reaper... Cafeteria... Help."

Was all I could manage at that point, seeing as I was in a full blown sprint moments ago. We ran back to the cafeteria to see something horrifying.

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I stood in the center of a Team JNPR and Team RWBY. After almost killing Cardin and throwing the rest of his team through windows, they had circled me and are now trying to restrain me.

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