Chapter 2: Test

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I stood behind the crowd of potential students and scanned the room for anything out of the ordinary, but found nothing besides a girl in red being yelled at by Weiss Schnee.

Me: 'Definitely gotta steer clear of her.'

I sighed and started to look around for different routes out of the room and building just for insurance, then I looked up at the rafters. I looked around to be sure no one would notice, then closed my eyes. And turned my body into smoke and moved up the wall and to the rafters. I then sat on the rafters and looked below to make sure on one saw. I was in the clear. I've always hated large crowds. Soon Ozpin came on stage and gave a very... Inspirational speech.

Me: 'How did he become a professor?'

A blonde, who looked to be Ozpin's assistant, came up to the mic and told everyone where'd they'd be sleeping. I looked down at Ozpin and saw that he was looking straight at me. I waved and he smiled then nodded back. Once everyone cleared out I turned into smoke and drifted down to the ground. I solidified and walked towards the direction the crowd went in. After awhile we came to large open area. People started to set up sleeping bags and such. I moved around the crowd and found a spot all the way against the back wall. I sat against the wall so that I had a perfect view of the doors, windows, and people of the room. I scanned the room for anything of interest but only found Blake, who was reading. I sighed as thought over what I was doing.

Me: 'Staying here is in my best interest. But I doubt I'll be here for long. I won't fit in, plus I'm sure someone higher up will come to arrest me, probably Ironwood, doubt he's gotten over the whole arm thing.'

I then closed my eyes. Of course I didn't sleep a wink, I haven't done that in a long time.

[Time Skip, Morning]

I looked out the window as the sun began to rise. I slowly got up and made my way to the exit of the building. I remember hearing something about a dinning hall, so I decided to head there. Once I arrived I saw the place was barren and the staff had barely been able to get anything ready. As they set up different things in the kitchen I snuck over and grabbed a decent sized portion of bread then walked out unnoticed. I walked through the halls getting a good layout of the place while occasionally lifting my mask up slightly and taking a bite out of the bread I "borrowed." It was nice and fresh, which made it better then most meals I've had. I normally only stole food on my way to or from a job which meant I've never had a cooked meal, mostly anything that's displayed in the window of a shop or in a stall at a market. As I walked I noticed how many rooms this school had. And most weren't even related to combat. I looked to my right as I walked and saw that I was passing a music room.

Me: 'Why would a combat school need a music room?'

I looked in through the glass window on the door and spotted a very nice grand piano.

Me: 'Haven't seen one of those in a while.'

I put the bread in my mouth, holding it there, and pulled out one of my throwing knives and picked the lock. I placed my knife back in its holder and entered the room, making sure to close the door behind me. I walked over to the piano and ran my finger across the fall-bored (The thing that covers the keyboard) then lifted it up. As an assassin you learn a lot of skills, some seemingly non-related, that help your jobs go much easier. Such as, disguising yourself as a musician and waiting for the opportunity to strike. Of course I only needed the skill once, I found myself wanting to learn how to play the piano even after the job. For some reason I found the sound it made soothing. I pulled out the bench and sat down. I traced my hands down the keys and began to press a note, but stopped when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Ozpin.

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