chapter 2

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And so that day we went to Hagrid's hut.  I was getting really scared. Jade looked worried. It  was as though we were excpectingsomekind of lion tojump out of the hut. I knoked on the wooden door. Suddenly, a man, who was very very taal and had a bushy beard and hair, opened the door. 

"Who're yeh?" Hagrid asked.

"Albus Sverus Potter. But you can call me-"

"Did I 'ear right? Yeh're a Potta? As in, Harry Potta's son?" Hagrid smiled.

"Uh..yeah, mydad's name is Harry." I said still shyly.

"Yeh betta go in then, oh, and yeh friends can too!" Hagrid added. I walked in his hut. It wasn't very nig,but itlooked fineforhim, he had a big brown dog, dad had told meabout it before. I sat down at the table.

"So... 'ow's yeh dad then?" Hagrid asked.

"Fine, Iguess!" I answered.

"And..Ginny, I suppose?" Hagird carried on.

"Fine too." I replied.

"Don't worry, I ain't gonna eat yeh!" Hagird laughed. We all laughed nervesouly.

"Obviously!" Jade said a bit too loudly. Hagrid gave her a dirty look.

"Do you know anything about the 'doomed notes' as we call them?" I asked.

"Yep, I do, not too long ago, I saw a person with a dark blue cloak holding notes, 'course I told McGongall and she said she will see what she could do about it.  She said she already knew 'bout it. She also said that the person that gave the notes around was on the fifth floor. And that's quite worrying to know." Hagrid said sadly. I looked at Jade, Teddy and Michael, they smiled.

"Alright, well, we needto gonow,thanks for letting us in." I said politely. He nodded. We walked out.

It was chilly outside. I looked at my friends.

"Well, we know quite a bit about this personnow." I said happily.

"Yup, and that'ts good, tomorrow, lets' go to the fifth floor and see." Jade said. Bossy boots (HAHAHA! Not really.) We all agreed on that.

Albus Severus Potter and the doomed noteWhere stories live. Discover now