chapter 5

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Me and Rose hurried out of the Hospital Wing. I was getting really tired. I hadn't slept for days. When we enetred the Great Hall, we quickly pulled off the invisbility cape. I ran to my 'bed' which was actually just some camping stuff. Some other boy was on my right and Malfoy (I can't remeber his name forsome reason, he can't remeber mines) was on my left.

"Hi!" I whispered to him. He turned around.

"You're late,Oh and hi!" he said. I nodded.

"I'm late 'cause I visited Jade and Teddy at the Hospital Wing." I explained. He nodded. The boy next to mi kicked me.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I'm Alexander Roger by the way." he said.

"Cool, I'm Albus SeverusPotter-"

"You're a Potter! Oh mygod, Ican't believe this!I am talking Harry Potter's son! Wait till I tell my mum, she will be soooo jealous!" Alexander exclaimed. 

"Really?" I said, I didn't ask why because I knew why. My dad had killed Voldemort, the worse dark wizard ofall time.

For the first time in days, I actually managed to go to sleep and not get a too bad dream. When I woke up, only me and the Roger boy were here. Why did Rose or Malfoy not wake me up? Was this a big set up? Were they tricking me? 

I got up and a cape fell off me.Not any normal cape, an invisibility cape: my invisibility cape. I started shaking Roger.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I shouted. He finnaly woke up.

"Huh? What's going on? Where is everyone?" he groaned. I looked at him. I explained everything tohim. He smiled. "You have an invisibilty cape? Wow!" he exclaimed. I nodded. I put a finger on my lips and whispered: "Sshh... Dopn't tell anyone, not even your friends." I said. He nodded.

"Trust me, I won't. I'm a sixth year and I know how you would feel if I told people. It happened to me before. And I was gutted." he said caringly. I smiled.

"Quick! Or we'll be late, I got transfiguration next, and Proffessor McGonagall is seriously gonna kill me!" I exclaimed. Alexander laughed.

"Hahaha! You got her still? I have.... Proffessor Slughorn next, he's safe!" Alaxender laughed.

"Bye then!" I said.

"Bye! If you ever need any help with anything, come to me 'cause I'll be happy as anything to help you, Mr Potter!" Alexander said happily. He bounced away. What a weird guy he was... Nevertheless he was cool, funny and kind. 

I ran to Proffessor McGonagall's class.

"Why on Earth are you so late, Potter?" she barked. I walked to the front of the class and whispered my explanation.

"I see, see me at the end of theclass please." she said. I nodded. I sat at my desk, next to Malfoy. I jst remebered his name: Scorpius Malfoy! Yup, I'm sure it was. We had to transfigure a tea cup into a China vase. It wasn't too difficult. At the end of the lesson, as I was told, Iwent to Proffessor McGonagall.

"Let me see the cape, Potter." she said. I nodded and got the cape out.She smiled.

"Right, off you go now please!" She said cheerfully. I looked at her and walked away. I caught up with Scorpius.

"What did she want?" he asked.

"Nothing, really;" I lied, Scorpius could see I was lying, but nevertheless, he left it.


At night, me and Rose went to see Jade and Teddy again. Michael wasn't talking to me. I wondered why. When I went to talk to him, he cut his eyes at me and walked away. How rude and pathetic!

At night, I couldn't sleep. How shocking! (Sarcasm.) I lay there, in bed, looking up at the cieling. I only just realized how much I really missed my parents. 

Albus Severus Potter and the doomed noteWhere stories live. Discover now