Going Hogwarts

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It was getting late...like very late. I was tired and I think so were Jade and Teddy. Mum told us to go to my bedroom to sleep. Mum used her extremely aaamaazing magic and conjured to beds out of nowhere for Jade and Teddy. They fitted in my bedroom perfectly and we still had a big space left...

"Thanks mum, goodnight!" I smiled. She smiled back and shrugged the thanking away with her hand. Teddy and Jade both took their turns to thank her too, and then, she disappeared out of my room. I smiled at Jade and Teddy. It was soo good to have them back.

"I was really scared for you two...I came to the Hospital WIng everynight, you know?" I said, showing offmy kindness and love towards them. Jade chuckled.

"Yeah, 'cause we really would bother looking to see who was visiting us while we were flooded with pain!" she joked....I laughed my eerily laugh and then I slowly, very slowly went to sleep. 


"Wake up! Look at all these presents! Oh my!" that was what woke me up.... I slowly opened my eyes and waited for them to get adjusted to the very bright light. I looked around and remebered it was Christmas day today. We had set up a Christmas tree near my bed and it was full of presents which Teddy was going through, picking out the ones that were his. I grinned, I hope with all my might that he was going to like the presens I'd brought him: a new wand which he had dreamt of all his life, a new broomstick to replace the one he had lost, not too long ago and sweets and a PigmyPuff (which I'd found really hard hiding). He ripped the rapper of and smiled, his smile wide from ear to ear. I was proud to see he had liked his new broom. Jade slowly got up, looking around and seeing the presents made quite a surprise to her.  I slwly sat up and bounced off my bed.

"This is great, Al', thanks soo much!" Teddy said, pointing at all the presents I'd given him. Jade slowly untook the rapper of one of the presents I'd brought her, a mirror which made her look perfect...well somewhat near perfect anyway...I already thought she was pretty, but this was just making her hair always neat since she seemed to always be worried about that. I thnkshe took it in the wrong way when she saw it. Her face turned down, the colours of ehr face drained away. I stared at her.

"What's wrong?" I forced myself to ask/


"I...no...! I didn't mean it that way!-"

"Then what way did you mean it?" she snapped.

"I...it's just that you always think and worry about your hair been messy...so I uh...brought you this, but if you don't like it...you don't need to keep it...You know,I think you're really pretty, you can livewithout it, I'm sure. Give it and I'll destroy it for you, if it hurted you that much." I explained, opening my hand and waiting for her to give it to me. But to my surprise, she didn't. She shook her head.

"Well then? D'ya wannit or not?" I snaped. 

"No, it's just...thanks.. do you really think I'm pretty?" she asked, blushing slightly.

"WHat? Yeah, of course!" I answered, and honestly, she must be the prettiest girl I've ever seen, her hair is so smooth,soft and beautiful, her face looks perfect and her eyes a deep greeen mix. She smiled.



We sat down and had breakfast, all thanking each other for the wonderful presesnts we got, describing thenm and saying how excited we are to use them. Jade looked extremely happy and somewhat proud of herself. Mum also realized that and she asked her why, Jade just said she was in a really good mood and it was good to see her friends back.I agreed with ehr on that one, for sure. Mum nodded. I finished my breakfast really quickly, today. To be honest, it was just so that I could talk to Teddy and Jade about how the blue caped guy came back and what happened when he did, but they didn't seem to be rushing whatsoever and I couldn't tell them to do so, or else they'll probably think I was been weird...or something. When they finally finished, I grabbed their arms and dragged them to my bedroom. 

"What d'ya think you're doing? Al'?" Jade yelledat me. I shook my head and opened the door to my bedroom.

"Get in, quick." I said, gesturing my bedroom. They nodded and bounced inside.

"Basically, the blue hooded guy came and told Professor McGonagall that he wanted to take over the world...that..he might kill, the next he would turn up. He almost killed me, you know! I was so badly injured!" I explained. Their eyebrows both raised. They gave me a questioning look as though I hadn't told them enough.

"Did Professor McGonagall get scared?" Teddy asked. I shook my head. "Wow, she is soo brave!" Teddy said thoughtfully, I guessed he was imagining what had happened. Jade smiled.

"Yeah, are you alright?" she asked. I stared at her.

"Well, why not?" I asked.

"You said you were injured, so...." she said. I chuckled.

"I healed, obviously!"  Jade smiled. She seemed to think Iwas some kind of hero. 

"Well that's settled, so why did you bring us here?" she asked. HUh? Didn't they see the importance in what I'd just told them?

"Well,  to tell you about..." I said, my voice trailed away. I didn't want to sound like I was boring and never had anything to say, so I considered telling them about the cat which had 'randomly' appeared at home. "A strange cat which had got home, we didn't know it was a cat and we got totally bugged and freaked out. Dad bravely enough went to where he thought the thing was and saw that it wasjust a cat under the sofa. We'dall gotten scared of a cat! Can you believe it? You should've seen our faces!" I said, and by the time I finished telling them the story, they were all laughing their heads off. 

"Now that's more like it!" Teddy giggled. I grinned. I was hurt deep inside because they hadn't thought what I'dtold them about the blue hooded guy important. Either way, I'd interested them in the end. 

Well, our holiday was nice and fun, and we had great fun, we also played Quitich matches. We also practiced our flying skills with dad. But, of course, after everyday fun holidays comes an end to it. And I had been dreading that end of holiday since...Well, a couple of days before the holidays were even anywhere near ending. 

We were packing up our stuff, stuffing our trunks with clothes, robes, sweets,chocolates and stuff mum made for us. We were all so very sad to find ourselves heading to the train station, but at the same time, we actually wanted to go Hogwarts, we missed our friends, our teachers, and just the school itself. We were going to King's Cross by apparition. I had to hold dad's hand, Jade held mum's hand and Teddy held dad's right hand. On the count of three, we would be apparating to King's Cross. I wasn't too excited about apparating because dad had once told me that itwasn't comfortable on the first, second and thrid time he had apparated. 

THREE!" my dad yelled. And suddenly, I felt as thought I was squashed in a rubber band which was too narrow for me and as though my lungs were flattened and filled up with water. I was holding my breath, I'm suremy face was glowing birght pink, I had to breathe in, I just needed to. But I couldn't. Finally,my feet slammed on a flat surface and my body fell to the ground. I was relieved to see that i could breather again. Phew! My mum grabbed my hand and draged me up. My trunk had clattered at the side and I slwoly took it. My PigmyPuff stuck its little soft body out of my pocket, even he looked nauseous. I looked around and realized that my parents had already squeezed my trunk onto a trolley, they truned around and stared at me.

"Go onthen, what'ya waiting for?" yelled my dad. I nodded and ran to him. Then, Iangled my trolley straightforward so I could run properly into the 9,3/4 station. I ran as fast as my legs could and then... aah. I'd made it trough the other side of the wall without my dad or mum helping me this time. I smiled proudly. Then, Jade, Teddy, James, Lily and mum and dad arrived. 

"Well done, Al'!" dad said.I grinned. There weremany Hogwarts students around me. Some came to me, waving and asking if I was alright. I nodded. I was now known to be a hero, after what happened back at HOgwarts.

The Hogwarts express finalyl arrived. I turned around to face mum and dad and higged them tightly. I reminded them that I would still write letters to them and they smiled. Then I faced Lily who was upset because she was still not of age to come to Hogwarts. I hugged her too and said I would also try to write them some letters. Then,I ran to the HOgwarts Express and slid one of the glass doors open. I sat down and Jade, Teddy and much more students followed me in and sat with me.

Albus Severus Potter and the doomed noteWhere stories live. Discover now