Keep calm and stay patient

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But then I remebered a sentence which my dad had told me, he had told me to never forget it, to always keep it in mind, and that sentence is: 'Never give up. Ever, if you need help,than help shall come, be patient, and help will certainly come, it whatever from.'  I was patient. I stood there and kepton reppeating Aaguamenti as though it will actually help. Which it didn't. I didn't want to give up, I wasn't going to, I was going to stay patient and wait for help to come... somehow...somewhen...

I turn around, the guy is still there, and dude, he looks so freaked out. Why doesn't he just disappear like he used to? But then, my dad had told me that you apperate out of the Room of Requirement, or use magic to imitate apparition. Which is, in a way, quite good. But now,I'm stuch with nothing to help me but things to make me even more in danger. Andthen I turn arond and remember that there are some broomsticks here. I would fly out of this place, the fire didn't seem too high, and get teachers to get this killer. WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA I HAD JUST HAD!!!!! Woopy! But that would only happen if the guy would let me pass. I ran towards the broomstick I had dropped some time ago and I climb on it. TOWHOTDN looks at me and runs after me, but the broomstick sped up and he couldn't catch up! I get over that fire in no time, but as I get down the stairs, I realized there is more fire down here than the one upstairs. Uh-oh, what now? I pull the broom even higher, without exactly checking where the cieling is and carry on moving. But suddenly, my head bumps the cieling very painfully. I get knocked out at the very instant. I felt dizzy, drowsy and weird. I could hardly open my eyes let alone manipulate my broom. I felt like the broom wasrdering itself where to go and not me. I was sure I had a very big bump on my head. By the time I even got on the bottom floor, my eyes were watering with pain, I had hit my head another couple oftimes while the stairs were moving; on the cieling, on the walls, on same paintings and on the banisters. I couldn't open my eyes once more and this time I was sure I was not going to be able to for a very long time. 

Somebody was shaking me very hard. Where was I? Who was shaking me? Whoever it was, they were annoying me so very badly.

"Are you here? (Obviulsy!!) Are you live?, (Well duuh!) Answer if you are!!" shouted whoever was shaking me. I slowly (very slowly), got up, I still felt dizzy. Oh hell, I felt so dizzy, mainly when I was sitting up. I looked around and realized that it was Scorpius who had shaked me all along. I gave him a watery smile. I was crying (not that much) with pain. My whole arm was burnt and had lots cuts and fresh blood. My robes were wripped all over the bottom of it. I turned around and saw my broomstick, or so, what was left of my broomstick, half of it had broken off and part of it had cought fire. Poor broomstick. 

Later on, they brought me to the Hospital Wing, the fire had finally ended, thanks to the teachers' (and some of the students') amazing magic. They put me in a bed and Madam Promfey tried to make me better (failed). Some teachers went off on different floors to look for other hurt (or dead even) students. They had found a fifth year girl called Annie Stavens who was very badly injured.

Scorpius looked at me and smiled, he hugged my happily.

"I'm glad you got here safely, mate." I said.

"It's a shame you're not here too fine and safe, but, hey,I'm real happy to seeyou. And to see you alive!" He said kindly. He was a great friend. Later on, an awful lot of people started crowding around me and asked me a lotosf questions. I answered every single on of them truthfully and honestly, because there was not point in lying just to get morepopular or something like that. I seriously saw no pointin lying for something as stupidas that.

Me and Scorpius had a little chat and stuff, and then I reminded myself to tell a teacher about TOWHOTDN. I was still in bed in the Hospital Wing. I called Proffessor McGonagall and she slowly strided towards me. She smiled at me and asked my what was wrong and if I needed anything.

"Yes, well, I saw the person who gives those notes,proffessor."I said.



"Well, where was he then?" 

"In.. (uh-oh, if I tell her, than she would know forever). Umm.. I forgotwhat it's called.Leave mesome time plea-"

"EXPELIARMUS!" Bam! Somebody fell to the floor. TOWHOTDN was here. Uh-oh. 

"AND NOW, YOU SHALL ALL DIE!" he yelled. 

"NO!NO WAY!Never!' I yelled. Bam.It was too late; he broke a part of the cieling whivh fell on top of me. It was probably the end. The end of me. Then end of Hogwarts. The end of Albus Severus Potter had finally come.

Albus Severus Potter and the doomed noteWhere stories live. Discover now