chapter 16

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Prince Yong Won's pvo

I was seated with Jin Min as we talked about my brother Yel Dong and his wife Wook Do Jin and how they are acting as if we have done some things bad on them. Even though we were  brothers we still can live in peace. Power have been one of the main problems in the world people will do anything for power. Even thought I am a lucky man that I got Jin Min as my wife, I remember the day we got married both of us were only 9 years old then, it was before the crisis that made my mother leave but she didn't leave me along here but with a good friend like Jin Min. But still I falling for someone else. Mr.Dok interrupted us as he brought me a letter from Yoon Hee. I was shocked to see that the tigers agreed to the deal and she haven't told her father who she was. Kim Yoon Hee the girl that have changed my life. I just don't get how she dose theses things so well. I gave the letter to Jin Min as I can see her face filled up with happiness.
"Look like Yoon Hee is a smart girl. Good that the force in under her control. " she said as I smile at her
"OK now this will set your mood for today"
She said giggling
"Why what's wrong with my mood? " I asked
"What's wrong hm.............everything you didn't smile with me until Yoon Hee's letter came. Look like Yoon Hee makes your day" she said.
"Hey what are you saying, you think that I like her?" I said with a shock of course I liked Yoon Hee but I can't let that hurt Jin Min. Like or not she is my wife and my friend. "I know you like her Yong Won. The way you look at her,the way you talk about her I've noticed it. So don't try to fool me with lies." She said as stood up to leave and bow down to me and walked near the door and turned and said "even though you and I are married that dose not say that you should only love me. And friendship is enough for me" she said with a faded smile.
I know how I feel about Yoon Hee but I know she will never agree with me. Yoon Hee wants to erase the shame that her father created by serving the kingdom. And she will never accept my request to be my wife. Even though I like her I have not yet feel love for her but just a attractions towards her.
As soon as that Mr Dok suddenly came inside my chambers "my lord the court has been called by your father and he seeks for your presence too." He said as I left my chamber to the royal court. Every one was seated and I could see the Queen next to my father and my brother on the left keeping me a seat on the right. I walked in greeted my father and sat down and I could see the seat in empty the minister of defence minister Jangly was absent. "What is the case of absence of minister Jang?" I asked my father he looked at me with regrets and said "he betrayed us for the Qing's and we are in times of war" he said as my brother raised his hand
"Father let me tell something, I might be able to get forces from Japanese emperor he was my friend." He said winking at me I knew that he is running away but no one listen to me I'm just the young one. I could see the Queen roll her eyes at her son even though she fights for him dose not say that the Queen dose not understand his sons greedy thoughts towards the throne. But still I kept my weapon hidden. My weapon of 8000 soldiers who are under Yoon Hee no one knows how I can control this situation with a nod

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