chapter 21

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Back to Yoon Hee's pvo and BTW I will introduce a new character in this chapter and it is Shin Raon this character will be played by Jeong Eunji
From Apink. Hope you enjoy. Saraghe❤❤

I have never seen prince acting so weirdly and furiously. He was fighting against the prime minister throughout the court hour not letting any other governor or minister to speak not even me. I have being the current chatter in the royal court against the prime minister but I never thought that prince Yong Won was capable of. Ohhhh he is good at sword fighting more than me, he is better in his studies that I am, he is better in leading than I am. I was always better in arguing than him but now he is better in that too what am I going to do.......
It might be the chat prince and appa had last night which made him like this. Even though I tried to find out but was avoided by an order. Prince Yong Won ordered me to follow him. So I did. We came out of palace then we walk silently until we arrived near a cottage, I know this cottage...didn't Sol and I came here to see lady Song. I remember when I first met her after coming back from China. Her face had wrinkles and that beautiful face that was their 10 years ago and she looked old but still her kind beautiful smile was still there on her face.
"Did we come here to see lady song, your highness" I asked as we stopped in front of the cottage that lady song lives. I could see prince Yong Won's blue eyes filled up with tears. As to Mr Dok prince was never allowed to meet his mother after the crisis that means the Prince and lady song has never met from 10 years. I can think of the feeling that he is having right now cause I experienced it when I met my father after 10 years. Now I am able to understand why we are here I'd my father was forgiven for his sin the king might have given a chance to lady song by letting her meet her only son. And the reason behind Prince's anger it has to be the topic last night so it might have been lady song and her innocence. Now that explains why he was against prime minister Wook. What have lady song had been through loosing her son, her love, her pride, her respect how lonely and sad she might have been. As I was wondering how she might have felt I realised that prince is holding my hand and sliding his fingers against mine and hold it tightly. I could feel my heart beats faster and my face becoming hot.
"Are you okay?" I suddenly asked him. Then I wondered how informal I was to ask a such a question as if I can feel his feelings. Of course I understand his feelings, what nonsense he is the Prince and I am his beloved servant and even after that he smiles at me and said "I'm fine Yoon Hee"
"Lady Kim Yoon hee is that you?" I can see ma'am Shin asked me, she is the lady-in-wait of lady song. I looked at her smiled and said "ye it's me" while slowly taking my hand from prince's tight grip. Then she looked at both of us and then looked at me head to toe and asked " lady Kim Yoon hee why do you still wear men clothing?". I immediately looked down at what I am wearing and smiled. Even though my identity was exposed I prefer wearing men clothing cause I'm used to it. But yet I was not wearing a hat but I wore a cloth band around my forehead and my training suit which I like a lot. Then she looked at me while signalling at the Prince like to ask who he was? I was about to say that it is prince Yong Won but we heard his name behind us. As we looked behind I could see lady song standing with tears falling down her cheeks............

I was walking down the streets that leads to my home with the package i received from lady song before leaving. I left early giving prince and lady a mother-son time alone.
"Kim Yoon Hee, hey wait up Kim Yoon Hee" I could hear some one screaming my name and when I looked back and was shocked to see it was Jang Ho standing behind while waving his hand. I walked towards him and said "you!!! You said my name without lady or ma'am. You said my actual name" I noticed I was jumping with joy.
"Where are you heading lady Yoon Hee" he said. OK now he is teasing me so I ignored. "Going home, has to give this to Omma" I said while showing the package lady song gave. "Then let me accompany you and we can head back to the palace after going to your home" he said as I gave my approval by nodding my head. While walking we could hear a noise from a lane near by so we decided to check out. There were soon many people gathered there when I could see a girl around my age is dragged from her hair by a very old Nobel man. I ran across the people and came near the girl and punched the old man hand so the grip on her hair in let gone. "what do you think you were doing? You have no right to drag this girl like this" I screamed at the man. I could see the girl is hiding behind my dress. Then the man said that the family have not paid his money back so he is taking their daughter to make her his wife.
"How many wife's do you have already?" I asked him calmly as he answered "10 is there a problem women"
Then I slapped his face and said "isn't 10 enough already you dirty man" then I knew the man got furious he was gonna slap me by saying "who do you think you are?" But Jang Ho blocked him by his sword and I took mine and kept it on his left shoulder near by his neck. "I think you first need to know who I am. I'm Kim Yoon Hee minister of defence" everyone gasped and the man fell on to the ground I took a bag of money and gave it to him saying "leave her along" I took the girl and went to my house as I washed her face and cleaned her wounds Omma cooked her a meal. Then suddenly she said "thank you" I looked at her she is very beautiful but calm
"Where are you parents that the old man was talking about?" I asked but I knew it was the wrong question to asked but she replied "they died, his men killed them" I can see tears falling from her eyes. I wiped the tears and asked "what is your name ?"
"It Shin Raon " she said
"I'm Kim Yoon Hee, you can be with me as long as you can " I said and she nodded her head with great fullness.

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