Palabra Mi Amor

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"Get off of me!" Kris said when he stopped the motocylce, and puched me off.

"Sorry, I was, um," I stutter.

"Afraid. Yes, I understand that my driving was crazy, it's gotten like that." Kris pulled me back on my feet.

"How are we going to get inside?" I ask.

Kris opens a window.

"Through here," he says.

We climb through the window. I see Tyler, and two other prisoners waiting for us.

"Josh, this is Ned," Kris introduces, and pats Ned's back.

Ned had brown hair and was a little tanned. He had a scar over his right eye, making it close, so he can only see out of his left. He smiled softly.

"And this is Claus," Kris pointed at a blonde haired man you was looking around the place maniacally.

Kris walked over to me and whispered, "Be careful. He can't get right."

"Wha-?" I start but Kris cut me off.

"Okay, guys! How about we sing some karaoke?" Kris nervously said.

Tyler stepped on the stage.

"For Dale," she whispered.

"Who's Dale?" I quietly ask Kris.

"I have no idea," Kris whispered back.

Tyler began singing a song by Ludacris, and I was tuned in. I loved Ludacris as he was one of my favorite artists.

I enjoyed her singing. Then, after the song, Claus asked me if I wanted to do a duet with him.

"Um, I don't know," I say.

Kris chuckled. "Sing with him. I'll make some drinks."

"Okay, fine. But only because Kris says I should," I tell Claus.

I get on the stage. Claus smiled as he chose a song.

To be honest, I actually thought that this guy was homosexual. Either that or he really can't get right.

I heard Bring Me to Life by Evanescence play. I was about to quit when Claus said that I could sing the guys part.

When this guy started singing, I swear my ears started bleeding. He was unbelievably pitchy, and very off key.

When the corus came, I wasn't sure if I should try or just say the words. The song was already ruined. It wouldn't matter if I was good or not.

I put my hand in my pocket. "Wake me up."

"Can't wake uuuuup!" Claus sang.

"Wake me up inside?" I sang, or rather asked. I took out a potato from my pocket that I got from dinner, and threw it at the machine.

"Oh, look! It's broken, heh heh," I say nervously as the machine sparked.

Kris chuckled and Tyler rolled her eyes. He set the tray of drinks on the table and picked up a class.

These drinks were "girly" drinks. They were like fruit smoothies with a tiny umbrella in them. I expected Kris to bring out the "manly" drinks that smell bad and taste like dirt.

Seriously, at one of the bars I once went to, there was this drink called "Bitter." Literally, it was called "Bitter." And by the looks of the men who ordered the drink, it was indeed bitter.

I picked up a glass and drank some of it out of a little straw. It had a lime flavor, and made my taste buds tingle. My eyes started to water and my breathing became short, but I continued to drink anyway.

"So, are we going to break out?" Kris asked Tyler.

"Of course, but we need to find a way," she responded.

"Break out?" I say in confusion. Fred whispered the meaning of it to me.

Break out means to break out of prison with your friends. They use this word so that no one knows what they're talking about, especially in the prison. According to Kris, the cameras in the karaoke club are turned off after closing, which I fine very absurd.

"I can come up with a plan," I say. I rubbed my stomach which started to ache.

"And what do you have in mind?" Tyler asked me.

"Um, we could-" I was interrupted by my short breathing.

"Are you okay, Josh?"

"I think . . . I'm going to . . . " I struggle to speak.

I threw up on the floor as I heard shattering noises, screaming, and guns. I didn't understand what was happening since I was too busy puking my guts out. I looked up and saw blurry faces, and then fainted.


My eyes opened wide. I sat up, but I felt a hand on my chest, pushing me back.

"You need to lie down," said a female voice.

"Tyler?" I say, dazed.

"No, I am not this Tyler you speak of," said the voice again, which sounded like a robot.

"Am I in heaven?" I ask.

"No, sir. You are in the nurse's office," said the woman.

I was fully awake now. I looked around. "What happened?"

"Well, we found you breaking into a karaoke club along with other inmates. You drank something that contained alcohol, and you started having allergic reactions to the drink as officers broke into the club. You were brought here to be cured," she explained.

"It's true," said another voice. I looked around and it was Kris. His hair was tied back into a ponytail. He seemed to be out of breath.

"What caused it?"

"You're allergic to alcohol," the nurse answered.

Kris pushed the woman aside, causing her to bump into a shelf of medicines.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. But we still need that plan to break out," Kri whispered to me, and left the room.

I had a plan. I just need to clear it up in my head because the steps are scrambled up. The plan was going to be spontaneous, but it will be worth it.

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