Three Weeks of Josh

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I searched for some materials to use in the art room. I found scissors and a mason jar. I went to lunch and stored unions and garlic in the jar, since we had some disgusting meal today.

I went back to the cell and asked Kris if I could cut his hair.

"What?!" he shrieked.

"Let me cut your hair. I'm making a stink bomb and I need a lock of your hair. It's like sixteen inches long," I persuade.

"No, my hair is precious." Kris crossed his arms. "Don't touch it."

"Dude, your hair is on your butt. It needs to be cut," I said.

Kris turned his head and struggled to look at the dark purple hair. He glared at me, and said, "Fine, if it will make you happy. But only this once."

I stood behind Kris and cut his hair just about five inches on the back. It fell onto the concrete, long locks of purple hair.

I cut a lock in half and placed it in the jar. I looked at Kris, who was gathering the purple hair. I told him to put it in the bottom drawer of the wooden nightstand, and he did, but nearly threw up due to the stench of the spoiled eggs. I collected the eggs and put them in the jar too, and closed it shut. I asked Kris if I could raise the blinds, and he raised them, which is when I learned that the blinds are glued to the wall.

I positioned the jar on the window sill, which the window was squared-shaped with thin bars close together. The sun rays beamed down in the glass, burning what was inside.

"You are disgusting," Kris complained while covering his nose with his shirt. "It stinks in here!"

I sniffed the atmosphere and I covered my nose. "Ew!"

"It smells so foul! I have to stay in here all day!" he complained.

I left the cell and went to the entertainment room where the news was back on with Tyler staring at the screen.

"Breaking news! Another murder has been committed near The Purple Bandit's street art. It appears that he has been sneaking out of prison and taking the lives of innocent civilians," said the reporter.

"No! I didn't do it!" I hear distant screams of Kris. I ran with Tyler following behind me, and we see guards taking him from the smelly cell. They put a mask over his mouth, and carried him away.

I quickly followed behind them. They carrier him to a secluded hallway with one door. They locked him in a room with a glass wall where I could see him, but I don't think he could see me.

The guards ordered me to leave the area, and I went back to the entertainment room, where two other guards told me that someone came to visit me.

"Who are you?" I ask a guy that looks like a teen in the visitor's room.

"I am Rian, Kris's fifteen year old son," he said.

Rian was tall for a fifteen year old - almost taller than me. He has short black hair and brown eyes. He looked like Kris, much like Jane did. It seems to me that none of his children inherited Renee's facial features.

"I was going to visit my dad, but they said I couldn't and suggested that I meet you, Joshua Ackerman," Rian explained his situation.

"Josh, call me Josh. What happened after your mom died?" I asked him.

"Our uncle, Mike, moved in with us. He is a little bit of a loner and really doesn't want to take care of us," Rian grimly reported.

"That's sad."

"But that doesn't mean you can't come to my magic show!" Rian enthused.

"Um, I can't go. The guards won't let me," Josh said.

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