The Thing In The House

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As i carefully entered the haunted house the door shut behind me and i found myself in a dark room.I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. As i walked through the house something suddenly flashed something or someone was hear with me.(scream) I feel something rubbing against my legs. When i looked down to see what was there when suddenly I felt heavy breathing down my neck. I was frozen in fear unable to turn around to see what was there. When i finally built up the courage to turn around to see what was there, thats when i saw it the most horrifying face i have ever seen in my life. my first intinked was to run but my second instinked was to stay.but i choose to run,run as fast as i could down a dark and scary hallway not knowing were i was going. i hear it chasing me down the hallway. As i'm running i spot a door i run inside and slam the door behind me. it was dark so i decided to find a light switch. As i found one i flicked it on thats when i saw it regreting i ever came to the house in the first place. It had sharp claws,big yellow eyes, and really sharp teeth. This monsterous beast running stright at me. And thats the last time anyone ever saw me........

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