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The whole house is silent.

I wiggled around in Tyler's hold, turning around to face him in his sleep- his face is bright and peaceful, the light from the curtains coming in and highlighting every angle. The luke warm morning air pooled into the room from the open window, it is nearly the end of summer and the weather is still beautifully hot. I gazed at Tyler's face for a few more moments before slipping myself away from his hold and out of the bed. Yesterday was our anniversary, we have been together a year and a half and I don't know what I have done to deserve such a kind and loving boyfriend like Tyler Matthews; the last eighteen months have been pure bliss.

I slowly walked towards the door of Tyler's room, being careful where I stepped since some of the floorboards creaked and I defiantly don't want to wake him up. I opened the door even slower (if that were possible) and disappeared out of the room. I shut the door behind me and slowly pad along the landing heading towards the stairs that lead to the first floor. Getting downstairs took a good twenty minutes if I didn't want to wake the rest of the house up- after all, this house could use all the rest and solitude it can get after last night. Last night Tyler and I bolted upstairs after hearing his parents yelling about something, we were in the garden having a picnic when the expletives split through our little bubble and interrupted us. We decided to give them space with whatever they were going through so we moved upstairs and sat watching a movie trying to drown them out. It wasn't like Tyler's parents to argue like this, he said that he was used to it so I said that it didn't matter if he wasn't okay with it, earning me a kiss which then lead to the position we were in this morning and me clad in the shirt he wore last night.

I finally made it to the kitchen and slip along the marbled floor in my little mermaid socks, pretending I am Tom Cruise in Risky Business. I pulled pots and pans from the cupboards and ingredients from the fridge and pantry, getting ready to make a delicious breakfast for my boyfriend and his parents. I decided on omelettes and salad- since Louis and Helen Matthews are health freaks and always need to have vegetables and fruit in their meals- I don't blame them though; there is so much junk food out there it's good to keep healthy. I ached to put some music on in the kitchen but I didn't want anyone to wake up yet, I checked the clock and saw it is 9 in the morning so they would be getting up soon anyway- it's better to get up at your own pace rather than someone disturbing you from your slumber. I opened up the curtains in the kitchen/ living room area to bring some more light to the room and saw the sun being obliterated by the prisms in the wind chime by the door. I sprinted to my bag on the sofa – fearing for missing the moment- and snapped a few shots of the beautiful scene in front of me. The door is open allowing a small breeze through the building, carrying the sound of the wind chimes throughout the kitchen area.

I went back to the kitchen and started cracking eggs for the omelettes, I don't know how many I cracked but it was a lot, I never know how much food to cook in this household because sometimes these people can eat twice their weight without breaking a sweat but other times they could eat a grain of rice and be full. Tyler eats all the time, in fact he doesn't stop. I don't know where it goes since he isn't much of an athlete, he isn't on any teams and he doesn't go to the gym, the only type of physical exercise he gets is in gym class. I on the other hand, go to the gym at least three times a week to maintain a figure I am content with- I'm not stick thin, neither am I big, I am just average and I'd like to stay that way.

I shook my thoughts about my figure out of my head and focussed on the food and very dangerous utensils in front of me. The eggs were in a few pans while I stood on another work surface cutting up tomatoes, humming songs that were in my head since I couldn't blast them throughout the residence. I turned around to check on the omelettes when I saw a man standing in front of me, someone I didn't recognise and someone who frankly, terrified the shit out of me; he is much taller than me and I guess that he is much older than me. I held up the chopping knife I had in my hand towards him. I am going to die.

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