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I found myself sat in between my boyfriend and my best friend in the library once again, listening to them gush about the party tomorrow.

"I'm so excited! It's going to be the perfect way to end this week." Ashley said, scrolling through her phone.

"Me too, I just need to get drunk." Tyler reciprocated.

"Since when do you get drunk," I turned towards him, asking.

"I do, sometimes." Tyler shrugged.

"I have known you for god knows hold long, why is this the first time I'm hearing this?" I raised my eyebrows, genuinely confused; Tyler wasn't one to 'get drunk' which meant that I wasn't either but I've got a feeling I am going to be getting very drunk tomorrow. "My brother's here." I said standing up and gathering my things.

"I thought you were coming back to mine?" Tyler asked, confused.

"I'm really tired I just want to go home." I pouted, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. I found my brother's car in the parking lot and quickly got into the vehicle.

"How are you feeling baby sis?" He asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Very tired." I explained rubbing my temples; senior year has only just started and it's already kicking my ass. Michael started the car and pulled away from the space.

"Are you going to Lucas' race next week?" He asked.

"Unfortunately." I answered bluntly.

"I really wish you weren't." He sighed.

"Yeah well, he's my boyfriend's brother, apparently I have to go to show my support." I remarked sarcastically.

"At least you have the party tomorrow." Michael laughed.

"And then there's that, I'm sure I even want to go anymore, I have so much homework and studying to do, I have to work on my college applications and I have work before." I rambled listing only a few of the things on my 'to-do' list.

"Ok calm down, you have time Riles- go to the party and have fun." Michael reassured me.

"Thanks Mike, are you going to the race?" I asked.

"I might, thought about placing a bet on your boy's brother." I laughed at that statement, everyone is going to try and make some money off this race.

"Do you think he'll win?" I inquired.

"I'm sure of it." Michael smirked, he seemed so sure, me on the other hand- not so much. When we arrived back at home, I began doing as much work as possible so I would have to worry about it tomorrow.

From: Tyler

Are you still helping me set up tomorrow? X

Fuck! I completely forgot I had promised Tyler that I would help him out. I sighed and quickly wrote out a reply.

To: Tyler

Yeah of course, I'll be over at 9- I have work at 11. x

I rubbed my face and then decided that if I am to help Tyler out, go to work, get ready for this party and hand in all my assignments on time then I would need to do more work than I have already done. Great.


The alarm that I had set woke me up, I checked the time- 8:30- the things you do for the people you love. I quickly got dressed and jumped into my brother's car, borrowing it for the day. Since it was so early there weren't many cars on the road so I made it to Tyler's quite early. I stepped into the house and walked to the kitchen where there must have been a million cups and half a million bags of chips, next to them- a shit tonne of alcohol.

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