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I sighed stepping out of the car, into the new setting. The view was different but everything else was the same- people roaring, drinking and betting. Nothing ever changes with these races, even the smell is the same. Alcohol and gas mixing together, cigarette smoke fighting with exhaust. No matter what, it's always the same. 

Tyler and Ashley are buzzing, ready to watch the races take place, I felt sick to my stomach- I don't know what it is about the races but I just hate them. I seriously wonder why I subject myself to this. 

"Try and have some fun tonight." Ashley said, slinging her arm around me. I forced a smile back.

"No promises." 

"Why did you even come then." Tyler huffed, standing on the opposite side of Ashley- we hadn't really talked properly since our fight, but we kept it civil.

"To support you two." I stated. "I don't want to fight, I'm going to get us drinks." I walked off and tried to find where they were serving booze and found myself smiling when I saw a familiar face. I embraced Holden in a tight hug, holding him a little longer than usual.

"You know it means a lot to him that you came." He says, looking over at Lucas who is standing next to his tent, talking to some other people. He glances over at me and nods his head. "He told me about the fight."

"Of course, he did." I groaned taking the drink from him. 

"Don't worry about them." He comforted me. "You take care of everyone but who takes care of you?" 

I remained silent, not really wanting to reply. I took a sip of my drink and looked back over to Lucas; it seems like everyone keeps telling me what's wrong with my life at the moment. Lucas told me that Tyler doesn't treat me right and now Holden is telling me this. Ever since meeting those two, the way I look at my life is completely different. 

"Thanks for the drinks, I'll see you later." I mumbled, taking the bottles and hurriedly, walking away. I heard Holden vaguely shout my name but I just ignored it. 

"Careful." Lucas said, catching me before bumping into me. I came out of my daze and looked back up towards him. 

"Hi." I said, taking a massive swig of my beer. 

"Everything okay?" He asked looking a little concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. 

"You're not but we will talk about it later, I'm up next." I nodded and looked at my feet.

"What?" He asked, smiling a little. "No lecture?" 

"Don't do it." I mumbled. He didn't say anything, just smiled at me, I forced one back and then walked away back to the others- handing them their drinks. I watched Luke put on his helmet and climb into the car, nodding towards all of us. Then my phone buzzed. 

From Lucas:

I'm going to be fine. Meet me in my tent afterwards x 

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket, looking back over towards him- still staring at us. I nodded my head in response and tried to come up with my excuse for staying afterwards. 

The race started and he sped off, becoming a blur of rubber and dust. My entire body is tense, I hate this part- the actual race; god knows what could happen. The bends and curves of this make-shift track seem a little sharper than the last one, I could practically see Lucas struggling to control the car when taking them. It took everything in me to drown out Tyler and Ash's cheering but I managed. All the way up until Luke won the race- of course he did. I reluctantly clapped my hands as Tyler and Ashley jumped up and down in celebration. 

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