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I don't get sick often but when I do it hits me hard. I squirmed in pain; my whole body alight on fire, it felt like my bones weighed a thousand tonnes. I sniffled and blew my nose in yet another tissue, my head pounding as I discarded it at the side.

After running around in the storm, the other night, I have come down with the flu. I felt awful and not just because I was sick but because it meant that the others wouldn't be able to do much with me in bed.

Tyler came into the room and sat down next to me on the bed, he went to put his arm around me but I stopped him before he could.

"No, don't." I said.

"Why?" He asked almost hurt from the rejection.

"Tyler, don't come near me; I don't want to get you sick." I explained. It wasn't the only reason, I don't think I am ever going to get over the guilt of sleeping with Lucas. It was a mistake and I shouldn't have done it- I don't even know why I did it. I thought I was loyal to Tyler but as soon as Lucas touched me that night, I don't know what it was- the adrenaline, the atmosphere, the fear. All I know is that it will never happen again, I can't betray Tyler like that again.

"Okay." He sighed. "I'm going to go into town with mom and dad and get you some soup and a z-pack." He leaned in to give me a kiss but then stopped, remembering what I had said and straightened back up, leaving the room and shutting the door. Soon after Tyler left Lucas walked into the room and lay down on the bed.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, moving in closer to me.

"Like a million bucks." I remarked.

"Aww." Lucas cooed leaning in to move some hair away from my face but just like before, I stopped him.

"Don't come near me." I mumbled. "I don't want to get you sick." To my words, Lucas scoffed and moved even closer.

"Like I give a fuck." I laughed a little and groaned at the pain.

"How come you're okay, that's not fair." I moaned.

"Because I wore a jacket." He replied a-matter-of-factly. I pouted slightly and turned to lie on my side.

"Where is Ash?" I asked.

"She went into town with them." Lucas mimicked me and lay on his side, facing me. "I didn't want to leave you alone." I sighed and shook my head.

"You can't say things like that." I stated.

"I didn't, don't worry. I told them I didn't want to go- they don't tend to question me." He smirked.

"Oh right." I nodded, I brought another tissue to wipe me nose. My nose felt red raw- like I had been using sandpaper instead of tissues.

"I like your story last night." Lucas said. "You kind of surprised me, I didn't think you were into things like that."

"Sometimes I read the 'freaky stories' on reddit. There's almost a thrill to it." I responded.

"They don't scare you?" Lucas questioned.

"No, why would they?" I answered.

"Some of them can get quite disturbing." I nodded. "Really fucked up."

"Yeah well," I pulled the covers closer to my chin, "I know a lot of fucked up shit."

New Orleans has a lot of history, there has been so much devastation here that you it doesn't shock you anymore. Especially with my parents being architects, they have vowed to help rebuild New Orleans with their skills, help build houses for those who lost their homes. I remember some of the victims coming over to our house, their stories were incredible and completely heart-breaking. I don't like to talk about it often but it means I have become immune to most things. Besides everyone has their battles and problems- everyone deals with them in different ways; my way is accepting that there are bad things in the world and I shouldn't be immune or sheltered from them.

"Luke." I said catching his attention. "Why did you come back?" I tried again, curiosity always gets the best of me when it comes to this topic of conversation.

"I've done a lot of fucked up shit." He whispered.

"I wish I could say that was enough." I said smiling a little. "Will you ever tell me?"

"I don't know."

We then sat in silence, just looking at each other- it was the strangest but most relaxing situation I have been in in a while. We were both so calm just there in each other's presence, pushing away the shadow of guilt that loomed over us both.

"We're back!" Ashley shouted up, making us both jump slightly.

"You should go." I whispered. Lucas nodded and hopped off the bed, swiftly exiting the room.

Like clockwork, Tyler entered a few minutes after Lucas left- with a tub of soup and a z-pack. The soup warmed my hands when I took it off him, soothing my aching bones and muscles a little.

"Thank you, Ty." I thanked.

"Anything for my girl." He responded, a pang of guilt stinging like a stab wound.


Here's another one, I know its short, I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading.


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