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I woke up in his arms, after one of the best night's sleep I had ever had, my face was buried into his chest as we both slept on our side. My alarm started going off waking him up but he didn't move, I attempted to shift but Luke pulled me tighter.

"Stop squirming," He mumbled into my hair.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled back, I could already smell the breakfast that someone in my family was making downstairs.

"Family breakfast isn't really my thing." Luke turned his head back into the pillow.

"Is food your thing?" I retorted, he groaned as I pried his arms off me and turned the alarm off. I climbed out of bed and started walking towards the door, I heard another groan from the bed and Luke stood up and followed in my footsteps.

"Smells good," I said walking into the kitchen, "Got enough for two more?" Luke and I sat down at the table while my father got us some plates. I put some pancakes on and doused them in syrup, then filled my mug with coffee.

"I've decided to go back to school, tomorrow." I stated, my parents and Luke seemed shocked but Mike looked relieved.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I have to go back and face them at some point, might as well be now." I explained, I had thought a lot about it this morning, after all, I still want to get into college.

"I'll take you and then I can pick you up afterwards," Luke said, "I want to show you my new place."

"Place?" I questioned, slightly confused. "You moved out?"

"I had to. I couldn't live there anymore after what happened." I burrowed my eyebrows at him.

"After what?"

"Tyler swung for you, didn't he?" Mike said, laughing.

"He tried to." I looked between the two boys.

"How the hell do you know?" I said, questioning my brother, who just smiled in response.

"Tyler hates me and my parents practically disowned me." Luke revealed. Immediately I felt awful and Lucas could sense that, he put down his fork and place his hand on my leg.

"Don't feel bad, I pushed him- it was my fault."

"I suppose we've got to live with these consequences." I stated. I looked up to see my parents watching this whole ordeal in awe.

"Teenagers haven't changed one bit." My mom commented.


I slipped on my black genes and pulled on my white sweater, feeling cosy- it is beginning to heat up in Louisiana but I still wanted someone warm to wear. I put on my sneakers and then picked up my school bag, Luke had already texted me to say that he was outside. I kissed my mom on the cheek and left the house, getting into the passenger seat of Luke's car.

"Nervous?" Luke asked, I nodded- without another word he started and the car and we arrived at school in what seemed like no time at all.

"If you need anything, text me." Luke said, kissing my cheek before I exited the car- I walked up the street and into campus. Once I walked into the building I noticed a few glances but I tried to ignore them and when I went to my locker I could feel a cold presence behind me.

"Your back?" Ashley asked, I nodded my head and turned around, shutting my locker in the process. "How's Luke?"

"How's Tyler?" I said, brushing past her and walking away. I know that I fucked up, I know that I am the worst person in the world- the worst friend in the world- but I don't have to stand around for it.

I spent the entire day working harder than I ever have, any spare minute I was catching up with all the work I had missed- which is a little harder when you have no friends- and keeping to myself. All day, there have been whispers and glares; I did the work to help ignore it.

When the end of the day finally came I couldn't have felt more relieved, I walked down the steps and towards Luke's car, that was parked in full view this time instead of down the street like this morning. Out of the blue, he opened the door and climbed out, going to lean against the hood of the car with his arms crossed.

"Hey." I greeted.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Fine," I half-smiled, "people are staring."

"Then let's give them something to stare at." Lucas smirked, holding my waist and pulling me towards himself and pressing his lips to mine, I pulled away and leaned into his hold. "Want to see my new apartment?"

I smiled and nodded in response, excited to see his new home. The drive was longer than I expected; I thought Luke would have chosen something a little closer but instead he went further into New Orleans. We pulled up outside an apartment complex and took the elevator to the top floor, the doors opened and revealed a gorgeous studio apartment. It screamed Luke's personality the moment I saw it, all monochrome and rustic- there were a couple of wheel trims lined up against the wall and a lamp that was made out of old car parts. I stepped into the apartment and placed my backpack on the floor.

"Wow, this place is amazing." I awed.

"I'm glad you like it." Lucas said smiling at me.

"I thought that if you went to the college here then you I would be able to see you more often and you could maybe stay here." I smiled and nodded in response, glancing over the space again- feeling the warmth of Lucas as he wrapped his arms around me.


Thanks for reading, also follow me on twitter- @fuxkdirection.


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