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Valentine's day, just another bullshit holiday the card companies made up so they can make more money. That how I see it anyways, would I ever let Tyler know that? Fuck no. I rolled onto my side and was met with the beautiful face of my boyfriend, sleeping soundlessly.

Meanwhile I was trying to drown out the noise that was coming across the hall, from Lucas' room. I get that it is Valentine's day and they can do what they want with their bodies but seriously could they just keep the damn noise down. It's not like it's just Tyler and I who can hear there, the boy's parents are sleeping in the room next to them.

"Are they still going?" Tyler mumbled.

"You're awake?" I asked confused, I could have sworn he was asleep. He nodded and pulled me closer to him, my hands around his neck while our foreheads touched.

"They have been like that for hours." He mumbled again. I sighed and moved closer to him. "Kind of a mood killer." He said trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you want to get some breakfast?" I asked. He nodded and we sat up, putting on some more clothes and making our way down stairs and into the kitchen. I cracked a couple of eggs into a pan and began making some breakfast for Tyler and I.

"Happy valentine's day by the way." Tyler said coming behind me and snaking his arms around my waist, kissing me on the neck.

"Right back at you." I smiled. I served us up an omelette with bacon and some orange juice. We sat in the kitchen eating our breakfast and talking about our plans for the day. That was until Lucas walked in and broke the peace.

"Morning kids." He said pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Where's Ash?" Tyler asked looking around and towards the stairs.

"Sleeping." Lucas smirked.

"Hasn't she slept enough?" Tyler asked, I watched the two interact, like two boxers testing each other before they went in for the punch.

"You're too young to understand little brother, maybe when you hit puberty." There it was, the punch. Lucas was going for Tyler's ego and Tyler being the younger brother would have to show up and prove himself to his older brother, whom he looks up to- as much as he would hate to admit it.

"Trust me I do understand." Lucas didn't even flinch when Tyler stood up. "But next time, keep the noise down. Some of us would like to sleep." I covered my mouth with my hand to block the smile that was growing on my face. Trying to focus on my plate of food rather than giggling at how ridiculous this banter was.

"What are you smiling at?" Ashley said wandering into the kitchen wearing one of Lucas' shirts.

"Nothing." I responded trying to not to smile. She walked up to Lucas and kissed him on the lips, hard.

"Want some breakfast?" Ashley asked him. He shook his head and carried on sipping his orange juice.

"I'll make you some Ash." I said finishing mine and returning to the stove to cook her some food. Once I was finished, I handed her the plate and a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you, baby." She thanked me and began eating.

"What's everyone's plans for today?" Lucas asked sitting down next to Tyler.

"I've got to go to work and then I'm doing homework." I responded, keeping an eye on the time.

"I'm not doing anything." Ashley replied, Tyler doing the same.

"Just me then." I smiled tidying everything away. "I'm going to get ready for work." I went back upstairs and started getting changed. The door swung open, I turned around thinking it was Tyler but was met with Lucas.

"Jesus." I said scrambling to put some clothes on.

"Don't worry, nothing I haven't seen before." He said leaning against the door frame.

"I knew it." I responded slipping my jeans on.

"Did we keep you up much?" He asked.

"Yeah actually." I replied, unamused.

"Jealous?" He smirked.

"Why would I be?" I asked, I was getting used to this back and forth that Lucas and I kept getting into. Every day it would be the same kind of conversation that same kind of banter, I am so used to it now that it has become part of my daily routine.

"Maybe because your boyfriend can't last that long." I scoffed and stood up.

"Maybe you're jealous." I whispered.

"Of what?" He retorted.

"The fact that you will never be able to touch me, the way he does." I smirked and sauntered out feeling like the boss I am. I am tired of trying to deflect everything that Lucas says to me, instead I may as well beat him at his own game. It might be wrong but I am tired of feeling so drained. If Lucas and I are going to coexist then this is how it is going to be played.

I arrived at work feeling somewhat better than how I woke up this morning, work was long as per usual and all I heard about was some big thing that was going to happen next week.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked wondering what they were so buzzed about.

"Riley, the race next week." They said as if I was the dumbest person ever.

"You guys are going to the race?" I asked, my mood dulling a little. I hate talking about this damn racing crap.

"Yeah, everyone is going." Josh responded. Everyone is going to the race, everyone knows about this race. So why aren't the police doing anything to stop it. At this point calling the cops on them doing seem like a bad idea, everyone would be safe and no one would get hurt. Apart from the boys' pride and ego, that would probably become damaged but they would bounce back, they always do. But Tyler would kill me for setting his brother up like that and Ashley would never forgive me. Guess it's not the best idea.

"Aren't you?" One of the girls, Melissa said.

"Yeah I'm going." Against my own damn will.


Okay so short chapter today but I am planning on updating again maybe today or tomorrow.


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