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Today is our last day, thankfully I am feeling much better. I still have the sniffles and my body still aches when I do certain thinks or sneeze to hard but I am on the road to recovery. Helen and Louis told us that since it was our last day we were going to do a bunch of things- like the zip wire they have and the rock wall, honestly, I am up for it all. I put on my yellow sour bullet hoodie and black skinny jeans then packed my backpack ready for a fun day out.

Near the river there was an outdoor activity place with a bunch of things we could do, we all purchased a wrist band that allowed us on all of them and it only cost us sixty bucks which if you think about it, is reasonable for the number of things we were about to do. However, it did make me realise just how many hours at work I was going to have to do to earn all this money back, I have spent so much on this little spring break trip and I didn't even notice.

Our first activity was rock climbing, which went down pretty well- some of my muscles ached as I held myself up but I didn't let that stop me- nor the sneezing. Everyone else was just as amazing and it was an activity that we all enjoyed.

Next was kayaking which I wasn't as good as but Ashley was, we raced to the end and she beat me but she absolutely deserved it. It wasn't my favourite activity but it was still fun.

Then we went on the zip line, which over shadowed the entire park, it was amazing but completely intimidating.

"You're going to be fine." Ashley encouraged, the boys had already gone down and were waiting for us at the bottom.

"She's right honey, it's completely safe." Helen said.

"I know, I just didn't expect it to be that long." I explained looking over at the never-ending wire that I was about to trust with my life.

"It will be over before you know it." Helen reassured. I smiled at the two women and let the instructor hook me up to the contraption. Then I jumped.

I screamed as I went down, adrenaline flooding every part of me- the view was gorgeous as well. A perfect, picturesque, scenic view that made me wish I had my camera on me. Views like that you can't just create or edit; they are perfect in all their entirety.

I landed at the bottom and then waited with Tyler, Lucas and Louis for Ashley and Helen to make their way down to us.

We then continued to make out way through the rest of the activities park, going on the go karts and much more.

After a day filled with fun and adventured we finally hiked it back up to our cabin, a quick shower and a beautiful family dinner later and we were sat around a camp fire, roasting marshmallows. We reminisced about our time here and our day, reciting little mishaps that others hadn't noticed or pointing out small, funny things that had happened.

After a few hours Tyler's parents decided to retire to their room, said they were going to take their hot chocolate and smores into the cabin so they could have some time alone today. We shouted quick 'goodnights' to them and then went back to our campfire.

Music played in the background on a low volume mixing in with the crackling of the fire.

"Today was good," I smiled at the dancing flames, "Best day I've had in a while."

"It was a great idea to come out here guys, thank you." She thanked them both and smiled back towards me.

"Apart from Riley getting lost, it's been perfect." Tyler admitted.

"You never told us what happened," Ashley started. "The night you got lost, you haven't really spoken about it."

I looked back towards my feet, the night that I got lost in the woods is definitely something I don't want to talk about especially with Tyler and Ashley but it looked like they weren't going to give up unless I told them the mystery of what happened to me.

"What do you want to know." I mumbled, picking at my food.

"Why did you tell Luke to come back?" Tyler asked.

"So, I could look for more wood, I didn't realise how long we had been out here." I answered.

"And then what happened?" Lucas asked, as if he didn't already know.

"Well the storm started, just light rain at first but when it mixed in with the dark it was almost impossible to navigate myself around. And then it got heavier, the noise mixed in with the thunder and the only real light source I had was the bolts of lightning above my head." I gulped, everyone was staring at me. "I ran around for what seemed like forever, when I finally gave up, I found a small cave-like structure, I didn't really care as long as it meant shelter from the rain. My phone died but I didn't have any signal anyways so it was useless and then I head Luke screaming."

They hadn't noticed that I had called him 'Luke', they were too entranced by my story to even realise.

"He found me and we put up the tent, we were both so tired by the time he got to me that we just fell asleep automatically. Then we woke up and came home." I lied. Lucas couldn't even look at me, he was staring at his shoes as Ashley gazed over at me with pity and Tyler pulled me to his side.

"That must have been awful." Ashley mumbled.

"Definitely not one of my top five moments." I whispered back.

"I think we should change the subject." Tyler said and then moved the subject along to something else. Before I could re-emerse myself back into the conversation I took one more look at Lucas, who was now looking me dead in the eyes.

"Thank you." He mouthed, referring to my little lie that I had told. I gave him a quick nod in return and then tuned back in to the others. It wasn't just Lucas I was protecting with my lie, it was Tyler and Ashley and myself.

It would kill them both if they found out about that night and I am never going to let that happen.


Quick chapter I know, hope you enjoyed it.


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